"The Light at the end of the world took all the back-end time with it".
The Light wavy-circular trajectory of photons has a topology distance mirrored straight diameter of the same equality time measurement of each photon apart. The sinuosity speed of a photon is calculated by the distance of Light that moves in a circular wavy spiral way divided by the unit of a straight time at infinity that never ends.
So it is like when a circle photon spin around itself or in a loop form it has always an equal diameter distance all over its edges from inside and from outside. That distance should be straight in topology for time consistency of continuity interval of time unit of speed measurement.
So if a photon depart from A to arrive to B in a circular form, the distance from A to B is the diamater that is equal in all format for the other photon mirrored part or for its same image back end placement. This is what we call continuity in a photon movement. They are all linked together. Even if there is emptiness between photon that's make a sense for the different frequencies and wavelength for Light speed constant ratio. The average constant speed stay constant and makes those emptiness fall apart in between photons for the link system of continuity in ZENO PARADOXES.
What is the average distance of a circle Light that has no departure neither an end? it is absolutely its diameter. it is the average in between.
What is the fastest things in life that have the (smallest and biggest) average distance in the same time? it is Light and we can considered it in the Riemann Conjectur in the Zeta function of 1+1+1+1....=1/2 (Mirrored images or half pathes).
The Light is always circular and we calculate time as a straight unit of 1 Line. But when space-time comes the time deviated in infinity gravity and that's make the conjecture of calculation a 1 mirrored unit time for all the other curvy times because the 1 photon is 1 entity of calculation 0 is emptiness where time does not exist at all but because Light exist eternally by virtue time exist.
the same aspect for a photon that has no departure neither an arrive that spin for eternal movement. It has a mirrored distance to the other point of symmetric arrival or symmetric departure. it is like a duality in 1 circular form. Which means that a photon when begins to spin from A, its image is B and vice versa so that straight unit of Time is the time in between A and B as if A and B have a pivot point to space-time singularity in 1 straight unit of measurement.
if all the photons are not linked together there will be emptiness distances outside to be inside or in inverse which will be an entanglement calculation of deactivated photons that makes the space emptiness and not linked together in the spherical topology.
"Light itself could be emptiness, because emptiness is in Light and not Light is in emptiness. So the absence of Light itslef make the visible emptiness in the probability of calculation".
That's make the frequencies and wavelength differs from each others in gluons, mesons, Higgs and others interaction particles forces for the existence of Light speed constancy.
Light photon has no mass but it is has a vector linked speed eternally and has a loop at infinity, to makes the constancy of the ratio speed linked together in all the part of photons. the photons could be particles the time you begin to measurement as entanglement or it could be at the same time function of vector speed lines that has no ending and infinity. In both situation they are all metamorphoses together in a vector field because in reality they are not calculated from the first choice or probability.
So the time in between each photon should be straight at infinity with no edges and considered as a 1 unit of entity of measurement.
On another hand time has no limit and straight but in space-time it becomes deviated because of gravity that comes from the vector constant speed of Light. The gravity comes from Light because the photons moves in a wavy path and spin in the same time around themselves in a metamorphic spiral sinuosity way. The way photons moves all together they form Light they created the gravity as a vacuum of fields with infinity forces. The Light is the source energy that have photons as components entity shell of the universe.
The photons goes to gravity to make there loops in the emptiness of space-time of a black hole. The Sun is the deviator between Day and night. The center of the galaxy is the condensation source Light of the Black hole. Inside Black hole there is the tunnel of space-time, emptiness and gravity is the Gates of matter generation through Light compensation of energy for mass creation.