the missing near side crust of the moon

Aug 16, 2024
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The missing near side crust of the moon

Moon map theory

Knowing the correct scientific and geological explanation for the existence of the lunar seas is considered a window to knowing many of the mysterious secrets of the moon and the earth, and the lunar map theory is considered that scientific window.

Moon map theory criteria
The moon map theory is based on the following criteria:
1_Its compatibility with the scientific geological data and facts about the moon and the earth
2_Its connection with reality and logic
3_Its suitability for study and application
4_It is a scientific, geological and logical explanation for a number of unsolved scientific questions about the moon.

There is a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon. The reason for this relationship is a collision between the Earth and the Moon millions of years ago. This collision resulted in the Earth gaining a crust from the surface of the nearby Moon. This acquired crust is the reason for the existence of the lunar seas and the continents of the Earth. This collision is also the reason for the existence of life on Earth through water and lunar soil, which contains the elements necessary for life. The lunar depressions or lunar seas that we see on the moon are the effects of that collision and are at the same time the geological form of the ancient continents of the Earth.

The scientific result of the lunar map theory is the scientific and geological explanation for many scientific points and questions about the moon that still have no scientific solutions and answers to this day. These scientific questions were the main motivation for research and study and an important step that led us to preliminary scientific evidence of the existence of a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon through analyzing and linking the results of these questions together. We will explain these points and scientific questions as follows:
1_ Why are the lunar seas located on the near side of the moon and not on the far side, and what is the reason for the geological difference between the two sides?
2_ Why is the thickness of the crust on the far side of the moon twice as thick as the thickness of the crust on the near side?
3_ What is the reason for the similarity of oxygen isotopes between the Earth and the moon?
4_ Why is the continental crust older than the ocean floor crust, as the age of the continental crust is close to the age of the moon and the age of the ocean floor is much less?
5_ Why is the thickness of the continental crust greater than the thickness of the ocean floor crust?
6_ Why is there a difference in the geological and chemical properties between the continental crust and the ocean crust?
7_Why is the percentage of decrease in the thickness of the crust of the near side of the moon close to the percentage of increase in the thickness of the crust of the Earth’s continents?
8_ Why are there mountain ranges on the edges of the lunar seas from all directions?
9_Why are impact craters found in abundance outside the lunar maria and rare inside the lunar maria?

also moon map theory will be a scientific and geological explanation for a number of other scientific questions that are still unsolved.

Analysis and linking of scientific data
1 - The presence of lunar seas on the near side and their absence on the far side. The prevailing scientific explanation is that meteorites are the reason for the presence of these seas, as these meteorites were able to break the crust of the near side of the moon. Which led to the flow of lava, and when analyzing this scientific explanation, we find it scientifically and geologically convincing that there was a body that caused the breaking of the crust of the near side of the moon and was the reason for the existence of the lunar seas. But it is not entirely convincing from a geological point of view that meteorites are the reason for the existence of very wide depressions that cause lunar seas, the diameter of one of which is the Oceanus procellarum reaching more than 2500 km, and the lunar sea imbrium, reaching more than 1100 km. And other seas with very large areas, and this is what makes us think that there is a very great event, an event that is bigger and greater than just thinking about meteors or asteroids that can be the reason for the existence of very wide depressions with a depth of tens of kilometers. It's much more than just thinking that meteorites could break up the crust and create seas, some of which are the size of a continent, on the near side of the moon, and meteorites couldn't do the same thing on the far side. Although the far side of the moon is full of impact craters
What confirms that the near side of the moon was exposed to a giant event when we study some scientific data about the geology of the near side of the moon

2_ Analysis and correlation of scientific data on the geology of the lunar seas The lunar seas are very wide depressions, plains and valleys that formed the lunar seas, which are almost a sea when viewed from Earth due to the clear similarity between the lunar seas. These seas are very wide, and the diameter of the ocean of storms reaches More than 2500 km and the Sea of Rains to more than 1100 km and there are many other wide lunar seas. There are scientific geological data in the lunar seas that we will analyze and link with some other lunar data.

1_There are long mountain ranges on all sides at the edges of the lunar seas. These mountain ranges extend to vast distances and high altitudes.
montes Caucasus This mountain range is located on the northeastern edge of the Imperium Sea .This mountain range extends 550 km
montes apenninus This mountain range is located on the southeastern edge of the Imperium Sea. The length of this mountain range reaches 600 km
montes Jura This mountain range lies on the strange northern edge of the near side of the Moon and extends for 420 km.
montes alpes This mountain range lies on the northeastern edge of the Imperium Sea and extends for 280 km.
montes Haemus This mountain range is located on the southwestern edge of the lunar sea Serenitis This mountain range extends for 600 km

There are many other mountain ranges with great distances and heights that are found on the edges of the different lunar seas from all directions.

2_ One of the scientific data for the near side of the moon is the abundance of impact craters outside the lunar maria and the scarcity of impact craters inside the lunar maria.

Analysis and correlation of lunar geological data 1 and 2 Leading us to the hypothesis that the near side of the moon was exposed to a giant event that would be the largest event in the solar system.

The presence of long and towering mountain ranges at the edges of the lunar seas from all directions leads us to an important scientific result that is easy for any specialist in geology, earth sciences and planets. To reach it when analyzing and linking this lunar geological data because it will be a natural geological result. This result can be summarized in that the near side of the moon was exposed to a giant collision From one giant body at a time This giant body, larger than the moon, was the result of this collision.
1_ The formation of mountain ranges at the edges of the contact areas between the moon and the giant body, and this is a natural geological and physical result.
2_ Increase in impact craters outside the lunar maria and decrease in them inside the lunar marie is a natural result of the moon colliding with a giant body larger than it in size, because the lunar seas were areas of contact with the giant body. It is natural that there are few impact craters inside lunar seas and these impact craters increase outside the lunar seas due to the huge rocks flying great distances as a result of this collision
3_ This collision resulted in the giant body gaining a crust from the near side of the moon due to the presence of geological, chemical, physical and other reasons that helped and enabled the acquisition of a crust from the near side of the moon. This acquired crust was the reason for the existence of the lunar seas, and this leads us to know the scientific and geological explanation for the existence of the lunar seas.

After analyzing and linking the lunar geological data together, the picture becomes clearer. In light of the results of analyzing and linking the lunar geological data, we can correct or modify the prevailing scientific interpretation regarding the fact that meteorites were able to to break the crust of the near side of the moon Which caused the lava to flow, and we will correct this prevailing scientific explanation, and at the same time this correct explanation will be evidence confirming the hypothesis that the moon was exposed to a giant collision.

Correcting the prevailing scientific explanation that meteorites were able to break the crust of the near side of the moon and cause lava flows
Meteorites and asteroids can never be the cause of the existence of these very wide depressions in the lunar seas, nor can they cause such great depth in the lunar seas in any way. As evidence that the far side of the moon is most distinguished by the abundance of impact craters without lunar seas, we arrive at a scientific conclusion that can be summarized as follows:
Only a giant body larger than the moon could break the crust of the near side of the moon and reach the depth that causes the lava flows..

The missing crust of the near side of the moon

The result we have reached, indicates that the moon was exposed to a giant collision by one giant body at one time, which resulted in that giant body acquiring a crust from the near side of the moon. The reason for the existence of the lunar seas.This leads us to another result, which is that there is a missing crust from the near side of the moon, the acquired crust, which was the cause and geological consequence of the existence of the lunar seas. There must be a missing crust on the giant body, which is considered a trace and geological evidence of the occurrence of the giant collision, and at the same time this crust must match the geological and chemical properties of the near side of the moon.

Since the scientific result of the moon map theory indicates that there is a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon, the cause of this relationship is a collision between the Earth and the Moon, which resulted in the Earth gaining a crust from the side near the Moon. This crust is the reason for the existence of the lunar seas and the continents of the Earth, and the lunar seas are a result of this collision and at the same time they are the geological form of the continents of the Earth.

Linking the result we have arrived at with the scientific result of the lunar map theory.

Based on the analysis and linking of the lunar geological data and the results we have arrived at with the scientific result of the lunar map theory, we find that in order for the result of the lunar map theory to become scientifically true, The following scientific evidence must be available.

1_Scientific geological and chemical evidence proves the existence of a difference in the properties between the continental crust and the ocean floor crust.

2_Scientific geological and chemical evidence proves the similarity in properties between the crust of continents and the near side of the moon.

In order to prove the validity of the lunar map theory and the scientific fact it revealed, and that the lunar seas are not the result of meteorites or asteroids, but rather the result of a great event that is considered the largest event in the solar system, we must show the scientific evidence. Which proves the existence of a difference in the geological and chemical properties between the continental crust and the ocean floor crust, as well as scientific evidence that proves the existence of a similarity in the geological and chemical properties between the continental crust and the moon.

1_ Scientific evidence that proves the existence of a difference in the geological and chemical properties between the continental crust and the ocean floor crust.
Among these evidences are agreed-upon scientific facts. These facts are considered scientific questions that confuse scientists without scientific solutions and answers to this day.
Which will be scientific evidence proving the validity of the moon map theory, and at the same time the moon map theory will be a scientific answer to those scientific questions.
We will mention them as follows:
1_The crust of the Earth's continents is older than the crust of the ocean floor.
2_The difference in geological and chemical properties between the continental crust and the ocean floor crust
3_The thickness of the crust of the Earth's continents is greater than the thickness of the crust of the ocean floor, and the percentage of increase in the thickness of the crust of the Earth's continents is equal to the percentage of decrease in the thickness of the crust of the near side of the Moon.
4_The density of the ocean floor crust is heavier than the density of the continental crust. The density of the ocean floor crust. 2.9 The density of the continental crust is 2.7
5_ There is a fundamental difference in the geophysical properties between the continental crust and the oceanic crust, and the continents and oceans cannot have the same structure.

2_Scientific evidence that proves the similarity in geological and chemical properties between the crust of continents and the moon
1_Similarity of volcanic rock crystallization and volcanic activity between the crust of continents and the crust of lunar seas
2_Matching oxygen isotopes between continental crust and moon
3_ The age of the continental crust matches the age of the moon.
4_The percentage of decrease in the thickness of the crust of the near side of the Moon is close to the percentage of increase in the thickness of the crust of the Earth's continents

These geological and chemical data, whether they show differences or similarities in geological and chemical properties, clearly indicate that the continental crust is not one of the basic components of the Earth and that there is a geological connection and relationship. Between the crust of the continents and the near side of the moon, specifically the lunar seas. I also want to point out that there is certainly other scientific data unknown to me that confirms the existence of a difference in properties between the crust of continents and the crust of oceans, or a similarity in properties between the crust of continents and the moon. Which may be known to any specialist in the field of earth sciences, planetary sciences and geological sciences.

Is there more accurate and clear scientific evidence that proves the validity of the moon map theory

Despite the results I have reached, which are based on scientific data and facts, there are still scientific questions that remain unsolved to this day, and despite the fact that these results are a scientific explanation and answer to these questions.
This scientific evidence is still not enough for the moon map theory to become a scientific fact. I consider the results I have reached to be scientific indicators, or we can call them a scientific window through which we can discover scientific geological evidence. More accurate and clear evidence that leaves no doubt about the truth of the moon map theory This is what happened, and through deep study and research in light of these results, I came to know the scientific evidence that cuts off all doubt with certainty. Because of the strength and clarity of this evidence, I considered these results to be merely initial indicators and evidence only.

I am just want to publish The theory with that evidence in a scientific journal specialized in the field of Earth, planetary and space sciences in general.

I hope that goodness and peace will
prevail over all the peoples of the earth

Adel Saleh Alabyadh
Aug 15, 2024
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According to a hypothesis developed by UA alumni William Hartmann and Donald Davis, the moon was formed from a debris blown off primordial Earth by a giant impact during Earth's formation. Their 1974 paper introduced what is now the leading theory of lunar origin.Jun 12, 2019
That theory?
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Aug 16, 2024
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The giant collision that occurred occurred between the Earth and the Moon, not between another planet, resulting in the Moon, as is currently the case. The Moon collided with the Earth, resulting in the existence of the lunar seas and the Earth’s continents. All scientific geological indicators confirm this scientific result.
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Jan 6, 2025
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The giant collision that occurred occurred between the Earth and the Moon, not between another planet, resulting in the Moon, as is currently the case. The Moon collided with the Earth, resulting in the existence of the lunar seas and the Earth’s continents. All scientific geological indicators confirm this scientific result.
Factually incorrect. The GIT postulates a Mars mass planet hit the primordial Earth which was around 10% more massive than now, this glancing blow vaporised the object, through a huge volume of debris into space, about 20% of which entered Earth orbit, around 60% of this material fell back to Earth, and the rest formed the Moon - that is the refined theory based on modern computer modelling to get the facts fit the theory - however, as I pointed out in another post, this has now been called into question because minerals found on the Moon, that formed on the Moon after it formed, are currently as old as the oldest rocks on Earth, meaning the already sketchy GIT has been dealt a likely fatal blow, meaning the Moon either formed with Earth, or was captured at a later date because their approach velocity was sufficiently low enough for the encounter to be non-catastrophic.
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Aug 16, 2024
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I have scientific and geological evidence that proves that the existence of the lunar seas is the result of the Earth gaining crust from the surface of the near side of the moon, and this acquired crust is the continents of the Earth, and this scientific result There will be a scientific and geological explanation for a number of the scientific questions that I mentioned. All I want is to find a scientific journal in order to publish the scientific and geological evidence that proves the validity of the theory that I have arrived at. We can cooperate together in this. When you look at the scientific and geological evidence I have, you will be amazed. Trust me.
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Jan 6, 2025
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لI have scientific and geological evidence that proves that the existence of the lunar seas is the result of the Earth gaining crust from the surface of the near side of the moon, and this acquired crust is the continents of the Earth, and this scientific result There will be a scientific and geological explanation for a number of the scientific questions that I mentioned. All I want is to find a scientific journal in order to publish the scientific and geological evidence that proves the validity of the theory that I have arrived at. We can cooperate together in this. When you look at the scientific and geological evidence I have, you will be amazed. Trust me.
Have you read what you wrote, it makes no sense scientifically or practically. I suspect that you are looking at "science" written by people not too disimilar to flat earth proponents (No, the Earth is not flat!)

No science journal will publish your idea because they contradict known science, proven observation and common sense. I have published enough papers to know how picky they are, well, the reputable ones anyway.
Aug 16, 2024
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Yes, I read what you wrote and thank you for that. I am not a supporter of those who say that the Earth is flat. Yes, I agree with you that it is difficult to find a scientific journal to publish my theory, so I asked you to cooperate with me so that you can have an important role in this matter.
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Jan 6, 2025
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Yes, I read what you wrote and thank you for that. I am not a supporter of those who say that the Earth is flat. Yes, I agree with you that it is difficult to find a scientific journal to publish my theory, so I asked you to cooperate with me so that you can have an important role in this matter.
Adel, please understand when I say Thanks but No Thanks to helping you publish a theory I know to be factually incorrect.

Look, let me be clear, I hold a Masters in Planetary Geophysics and part of that was studying the interactions between planets, moons and dwarf planets, this included modelling collisions, thousands of them for my thesis. Within those many thousands of models, never once did we have a situation as you descibe for the Earth and Moon, if two bodies get close enough that one can strip material from the other, then one has entered the other Roche Lobe, when that happens, gravitational stress will tear the small body apart, completely, it will not just pull some material from the smaller body and allow it to return to a stable orbit.

As the body is pulled apart, much of the material will form a ring of material around the more massive body, as we see at Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and even Quaoar. Over time that material will do two things, depending on mass, gravitational effects, orbital distance and external influences - it will rain down on the surviving body (as we know is happening at Saturn) and if far enough away, over million of years, will coalesce into one or more bodies (Moons).

In our simulations, we could only produce a single Moon when the mass was less than 1/100th that of the Moon, if we used a mass of material that exceeded this, then at least two bodies formed, ocasionaly they would also coalesce into a another body or even leave only a single body, but we could never get it to work with a body with the mass of the Moon unless we played with the parameters in such a way it became extremely unlikely that those conditions would have existed to create the Moon.

One interested model we ran several times was if the Earth had a Moon, about 20% the mass of the current Moon, but the Moon we have now formed seperately but in a co-orbital location that inexorably brought Earth and the Moon together slowly, it only worked where the "collision" velocity was lower than 5km/s, but what happened was the final energy loss to allow Earth to capture the Moon was the ejection of the existing Moon from the system into interplanetary space, taking away sufficient kinetic and gravitational energy to allow the Moon to be captured - it took, in the model, around 500 million years to settle into a stable and almost circular orbit.

I know it is enjoyable to think about possible scenarios that could explain some of the mysteries we have, and it is great that you are doing that, and I would encourage you to continue, but this is a dead and setlled issue, the modelling has been run thousands of times, we know what the Moon has a thinner crust on the Earth facing hemisphere, and we know why it is thicker on the opposite hemisphere, we also know why the impact craters were more likely to be filled with magma, producing the Mare we see today, on the near side rather than the far side - but as I posted, there are Mare on the far side, just not as many as the impact energy required to punch into the mantle layers is about 6 times that of the near side.
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Aug 16, 2024
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Adel, please understand when I say Thanks but No Thanks to helping you publish a theory I know to be factually incorrect.

Look, let me be clear, I hold a Masters in Planetary Geophysics and part of that was studying the interactions between planets, moons and dwarf planets, this included modelling collisions, thousands of them for my thesis. Within those many thousands of models, never once did we have a situation as you descibe for the Earth and Moon, if two bodies get close enough that one can strip material from the other, then one has entered the other Roche Lobe, when that happens, gravitational stress will tear the small body apart, completely, it will not just pull some material from the smaller body and allow it to return to a stable orbit.

As the body is pulled apart, much of the material will form a ring of material around the more massive body, as we see at Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and even Quaoar. Over time that material will do two things, depending on mass, gravitational effects, orbital distance and external influences - it will rain down on the surviving body (as we know is happening at Saturn) and if far enough away, over million of years, will coalesce into one or more bodies (Moons).

In our simulations, we could only produce a single Moon when the mass was less than 1/100th that of the Moon, if we used a mass of material that exceeded this, then at least two bodies formed, ocasionaly they would also coalesce into a another body or even leave only a single body, but we could never get it to work with a body with the mass of the Moon unless we played with the parameters in such a way it became extremely unlikely that those conditions would have existed to create the Moon.

One interested model we ran several times was if the Earth had a Moon, about 20% the mass of the current Moon, but the Moon we have now formed seperately but in a co-orbital location that inexorably brought Earth and the Moon together slowly, it only worked where the "collision" velocity was lower than 5km/s, but what happened was the final energy loss to allow Earth to capture the Moon was the ejection of the existing Moon from the system into interplanetary space, taking away sufficient kinetic and gravitational energy to allow the Moon to be captured - it took, in the model, around 500 million years to settle into a stable and almost circular orbit.

I know it is enjoyable to think about possible scenarios that could explain some of the mysteries we have, and it is great that you are doing that, and I would encourage you to continue, but this is a dead and setlled issue, the modelling has been run thousands of times, we know what the Moon has a thinner crust on the Earth facing hemisphere, and we know why it is thicker on the opposite hemisphere, we also know why the impact craters were more likely to be filled with magma, producing the Mare we see today, on the near side rather than the far side - but as I posted, there are Mare on the far side, just not as many as the impact energy required to punch into the mantle layers is about 6 times that of the near side.
Dear, Dr Jim Franklin
thank you for the amazing scientific explanation.
You are really kind.
I agree with you that there are scientific reasons that contradict the theory you have reached, including the reasons you mentioned, such as the force of gravity that will tear apart a small body approaching the Earth.
The question that arises is whether the Earth had sufficient gravitational force at the time of the occurrence of a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon, as it is possible that this relationship was the reason for the existence or the reason for the Earth’s gravitational force. There are certainly facts and secrets that we do not know until today.
This is what prompts me to ask you specifically to take a look at the scientific and geological evidence that I have reached. I believe that you are the right person that I am looking for to cooperate with me in studying and analyzing this evidence that will amaze you.Which clearly proves that there is a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon. This relationship is the result of either the collision or the splitting of the Earth with the Moon. You are the one who will determine the type of this relationship by studying the scientific evidence, so please send me your email or WhatsApp so that I can send you the theory file.
All my regards and appreciation to you.
Adel Al-Abyad
Jan 6, 2025
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Dear, Dr Jim Franklin
thank you for the amazing scientific explanation.
You are really kind.
I agree with you that there are scientific reasons that contradict the theory you have reached, including the reasons you mentioned, such as the force of gravity that will tear apart a small body approaching the Earth.
The question that arises is whether the Earth had sufficient gravitational force at the time of the occurrence of a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon, as it is possible that this relationship was the reason for the existence or the reason for the Earth’s gravitational force. There are certainly facts and secrets that we do not know until today.
This is what prompts me to ask you specifically to take a look at the scientific and geological evidence that I have reached. I believe that you are the right person that I am looking for to cooperate with me in studying and analyzing this evidence that will amaze you.Which clearly proves that there is a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon. This relationship is the result of either the collision or the splitting of the Earth with the Moon. You are the one who will determine the type of this relationship by studying the scientific evidence, so please send me your email or WhatsApp so that I can send you the theory file.
All my regards and appreciation to you.
Adel Al-Abyad
Couple of points, just because I hold a Ph.D (High Energy physics) does not mean I use the title Doctor, I firmly believe this should be reserved for those who hold medical qualifications that aford them the priviledge of being called "Doctor", thus, I kindly ask you do not refer to me in that way - its really annoying on a plane when they ask for your help because you are a "Doctor" - that is no longer on my passport for that reason. I have first aid qualifications, but that does not make me a doctor, it makes me able to do emergency first aid only.

Gravity is a product of mass and density, it exists wherever there is baryonic matter. The Earth had noticable gravity (to other solid matter and baryonic matter) after it became larger than a house sized object - before this electrostatic forces dominate the formation process - but as it grew, so its gravity well grew, as this happened, it pulled in more and more matter and grew to the planet we all know and love - and live on.

The gravitational constant, represented by the letter G, is a fundamental physical constant that describes the strength of gravity and is used to calculate the gravitational force between two objects.

The value of the gravitational constant is 6.6743×10-11m3kg-1s-2


The gravitational force between two objects is calculated using the equation


There is a nice write up of Gravity here on

Gravity does not just "appear".
Continental Crust and Oceanic crust.
Oceanic Crust gets cycled faster than Continental Crust.
Plate Tectonics
Oceanic Trenches and Ridges.
A classic example is the Hawaii hot spot.
Conventional currents in the ocean crust, created by the ocean crust moving towards Japan, create trenches over 4 km deep and pop up in Hawaii.
Jan 6, 2025
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Continental Crust and Oceanic crust.
Oceanic Crust gets cycled faster than Continental Crust.
Plate Tectonics
Oceanic Trenches and Ridges.
A classic example is the Hawaii hot spot.
Conventional currents in the ocean crust, created by the ocean crust moving towards Japan, create trenches over 4 km deep and pop up in Hawaii.
Is there a question there - or are you simply stating what we already know - and how is that relevent to the discussion?
Hello Frank
There was a question far back the age of the Earth's oceanic crust is younger than the Continental Crust.

Frank, I read your comments, and love your logic.

The Earth and the Moon have similar ages.
Also similar properties, leading us to think they have the same origin.
Jan 28, 2023
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Let me bring some fresh thoughts to the matter. The Earth's crust, also called the lithosphere, is a characteristic relatively hard layer that slides on the plastic upper layer of upper mantle called asthenosphere. Since the Moon does not have such a shell with such characteristics, I even think it is incorrect to say that the Moon has a crust. Scientists should come up with a correct (new) terminology for some parts of the structure of such celestial bodies.
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Jan 6, 2025
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Hello Frank
There was a question far back the age of the Earth's oceanic crust is younger than the Continental Crust.

Frank, I read your comments, and love your logic.

The Earth and the Moon have similar ages.
Also similar properties, leading us to think they have the same origin.
The Sun and the Earth have similar ages so that is a straw man argument.
Similar properties - so do Earth and Mars, likely Earth and Venus, with the same variation we see between the Moon and Earth, they are not as similar as is oft stated as recent research, as posted, has concluded and shown.
Oceanic plates are younger than continental crust because the oceanic plates are thinner, less denser and sit on the edge of the tectonic plates, thus they are the parts than get subducted or raised up as fold mountains - such as the Pamir-Hindu-Kush. The continent crush, though thicker, is often less dense and thus rides on top of oceanic plate when the two collide to create a subduction zone.
