The most important space issue that must be solved in space exploration

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Jul 30, 2021
Big goals are big problems. If we take space exploration, then this is a huge step into the future and not fewer problems and consequences for implementation.
We can look into the future and imagine that if it continues to act like this, it will be a future without people.
There is debris in space today, which will grow larger over time and the known effects will begin, so you need to start thinking about solving problems right now. Fortunately, we have time for this, but it is worth starting work on this issue now.
Today there is a problem that needs to be addressed now - this is global warming, which has arisen due to human actions. We cannot reverse everything, but we can reduce the impact.
I liked Skyrora's attitude to this issue, they created the Skylark-L on ecological fuel, which I hope will be an example for other companies. The site has useful information, so I leave a link.
Sep 20, 2021
Big goals are big problems. If we take space exploration, then this is a huge step into the future and not fewer problems and consequences for implementation.
We can look into the future and imagine that if it continues to act like this, it will be a future without people.
There is debris in space today, which will grow larger over time and the known effects will begin, so you need to start thinking about solving problems right now. Fortunately, we have time for this, but it is worth starting work on this issue now.
Today there is a problem that needs to be addressed now - this is global warming, which has arisen due to human actions. We cannot reverse everything, but we can reduce the impact.
I liked Skyrora's attitude to this issue, they created the Skylark-L on ecological fuel, which I hope will be an example for other companies. The site has useful information, so I leave a link.

Read my above and below comments.

With space debri we can fly down in space warp. My magnetic propulsion system will work and can pull us down why forward at same time.

Do you know what makes tank amour tough? Heating the metal and compressing it waking it. I would find away to compress it with magnetic fields that are billions of gauss.
Jul 27, 2021
Read my above and below comments.

With space debri we can fly down in space warp. My magnetic propulsion system will work and can pull us down why forward at same time.

Do you know what makes tank amour tough? Heating the metal and compressing it waking it. I would find away to compress it with magnetic fields that are billions of gauss.
Excuse me if I have missed anything for the details on it.
How is it distinguishes between debris and working (currently ~4000 satellites and foretasted to grow to 100000 'soon').
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Jul 27, 2021
I have checked the latest published information.

The are many questions in front of space companies, the following are ‘hot’:

- Harnessing AI more effectively for the satellites control, thus possibly reducing their number;
- Debris removal technologies for new launches;
- Making launches clean, using ecofuel;
- Making facilities more reliable and effective with 3D printing;
- Making ‘traffic rules’ on the orbit.

These goals are set for bringing space launch to a new level to leverage the traffic demand and sustain the market.
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May 14, 2021
I know it’s more difficult to handle, etc., but hydrogen and oxygen is still the best fuel. The highest energy per unit, and no carbon footprint. The worst it can do is make it rain.

Magnetic propulsion system???
Sep 20, 2021
I know it’s more difficult to handle, etc., but hydrogen and oxygen is still the best fuel. The highest energy per unit, and no carbon footprint. The worst it can do is make it rain.

Magnetic propulsion system???
Yep magnetic propulsion engine explained in English how it works?
Sep 23, 2021
Yes. I think what is needed is a destination in Space. The ISS is great, we need to scale it up. I'm less interested in Mars than Free Space Habitats, such as the L5 society / O'Neill vision. But Low Earth Orbit has a lot of potential to scale up.

Orbital debris and safety are issues that will be solved as we progress, both are imo, not at levels that prevent us from moving forward.

The biggest thing preventing us from taking action (except Elon) is a culture of consensus building, it's all talk and no action. It doesn't take the full co-operation of the Global Community to make this happen, just small teams of determined people.

People: a small, focused team.
Ideas: A strong vision of what is the ultimate goal, and all the steps to achieve it.
Project: The first step. Fully resourced and then executed.

What are the most important issues we have now in the space exploration area? As we can see now space explorations are developing very rapidly and by doing this, it causes a lot of issues to solve. Humans have a lot of stuff to figure out to get closer to a particular purpose and which one do you consider is the most important and must be solved first?
In my opinion, I think the biggest issue that needs to be resolved is long-tern survival in space. That means testing of artificial gravity and radiation protection.

-Wolf sends
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The most important space issue that must be solved in space exploration

The most important problem, maybe also issue, is distance, as has been said already.

Either that, or the converse, which is the relatively short extent of human life. If we lived for 500 years, we could accommodate the distance issue.

Cat :)
Jul 27, 2021
The most important space issue that must be solved in space exploration

The most important problem, maybe also issue, is distance, as has been said already.

Either that, or the converse, which is the relatively short extent of human life. If we lived for 500 years, we could accommodate the distance issue.

Cat :)
Interesting, 'forever young' or 'whatever old'?
Cultural and historical heritage and analysis may have to be put to education programs and exams for future researchers.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The most important space issue that must be solved in space exploration

This has some interesting points, although I can't say that I agree with it all. Its main subject is SS/Star travel with a lot about 0.92 c (speed of light) as objective.
(BTW I have no commercial interest whatsoever in this book).

"The Giant Leap" by Adrian Berry.

Cat :)

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