The New Space Race 2007

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anybody.....buehler.....anybody...??? Anybody know (see prev. post)<br />


It seems to me that Newton's remark about standing o the shoulders of giants applies here. We would not be here if not for the efforts and accomplishments of others.<br /><br />If nobody has mentioned it yet the ISDC2007 went very well. My favor speaker was John Carmack of Armadillo aerospace. It is his opinion that you learn more from your failures than getting it right the first time.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Two pod-casts iTunes are available of the PBS show "Think".one with George Whitesides present director of the NSS <br /><br /><br /><br />and the other astronaut (Rusty) Russell L. Schweickart NASA Astronaut (Former) <br /><br /><br /><br />The next ISDC is in Washington DC. Building upon the lessons learned from previous conferences and the fact that it will be a election years we just might have a little more participation by the powers that be both governmental and private. <br /><br /><br />As to how to fund the prize oriented system?<br /><br />I would create a lottery system that allows people to by tickets for focused contests. like that created by DARPA for an autonomous vehicle navigating a course. it was not won the first time but in a second round our competition the next year it was.<br /><br />there was a finite number of entrants that had to reach a defined criteria to enter. <br /><br />by having a set number of entrants and assigning a number to them at the time of the actual competition you would alleviate rigging of the contest. <br /><br />being a national of international contest a person would buy one dollar tickets and would win a portion of the gate. The wi
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