The Sun’s Direction of Galactic Motion as Determined by Clock Rate Differences

When a large spherical mass like the Earth is in motion (acting under the effect of an inertial field) clock rates on its surface can be compared to determine both the direction of the masses motion and its speed. Motion can be directly measured using clocks!

The Michelson Morley experiment was a failure because the local speed of light is always the same. You have to compare clocks at multiple positions on a mass to get the vector (direction) and magnitude (velocity) of your movement through space. The inertial field exists for all moving masses but the time differences for small masses are too small to easily measure.

The Galactic Inertial Field Pole (strongest time distortion) which propels the Earth along its galactic journey with the Sun appears to be located about 5 degrees from the Ecliptic Pole (toward the galactic center). The velocity for the Sun is supposed to be about 230 kilometers per second. The clock rate effects from the Galactic Inertial field poles on Earth should be about 16 μs (microseconds).

This from:

Tempo2 , A New Pulsar Timing Package – II. The Timing Model and Precision Estimates. (2006)

R. T. Edwards, G. B. Hobbs and R. N. Manchester Pg 1556 or page 8 of the individual paper

The default correction of equation (31) is therefore uncertain within at least a factor of 2, corresponding to a minimum of 130 ns of error at f=1 GHz for a source located at an ecliptic pole, increasing to many microseconds for sources within a few degrees of the ecliptic.

Using the celestial reference system, the forward Solar Inertial pole should be around

Celestial Coordinates Right Ascension 17 57 27.8 Declination +60 58 31.8.

(From my rudimentary calculations) The Sun’s direction of motion around the galaxy seems to be about 5 degrees off of the North Ecliptic pole. This would place the Sun’s orbit at 90 degrees to the Galactic Center (but not in Galactic coordinates?). An orbit is usually at right angles to its center.

The part of the Sun’s orbit which is supposed to be a secret is the apparent 30 degree inclination to the galactic plane. The Solar System spends a lot of time out of the crowded galactic plane or human civilization would not be here.

If you had a clock that was at about 61 degrees north latitude when ra 17 57 27.85 was overhead (24 hour shift dependent on time of year) it should read about 16 μs different from clocks not affected by an inertial field.

If a clock at about 61 degrees north latitude were compared to a clock at about 61 degrees south latitude (-180 degrees reversal in the northern clock longitude as it passes through the Earth’s center) the clock rate difference could be as much as 32 μs per second.

(Surface of Earth to center of Earth divided by c) multiplied by (Earth’s galactic velocity divided by the speed of light) gives the clock offset at the leading edge of Earth.

(SurfaceꚚ to centerꚚ/c) x (galactic_vꚚ/c).

Direct Test of Theory​

Two ham radio operators could detect the time difference between their oscillators if they generated a 1 mhz constant tone while one of them was at this critical latitude (approximately 61). The ionosphere affects the speed of electromagnetic propagation not the frequency of the tone. The difference in time rate is large enough that stable over the counter electronics should detect it. (Stealing that long baseline array was looking problematic anyway).

The Earth’s (Galactic) Inertial Field (61 to 63 degrees North or South latitude) would be present as a 24 hour sinusoidal difference in clock speed comparisons.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Geo - this is all very impressive BUT

what is the point / question you are making / proposing?

I admit that I have (like a few others?) not had the time or inclination to read it in detail.
My bad. But don't you need something to catch our attention?

Is there not a problem with frames of reference, which you do refer to?

Cat :)
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If you want to test this periodic frequency cycling yourself you can’t use any timing product that asks you for your latitude and longitude (or can determine your location over the internet).

Cat the public theories of gravitation are doo doo. Dark Matter and silly string theory?

This simple experiment does not use any compromised systems and lets you see the truth. This is the physics version of the red pill. Science sold its soul to the powerful over a century ago.
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The old switch the reference point for the galactic longitude trick.

The 61st north latitude is a bit problematic for making time rate measurements using ham radio transmitters as a reference. Keeping a transmitters oscillator at a fixed stable temperature could be hindered by big furry things with lots of claws and teeth. (Especially the ponies on the Shetland Islands 60.3 N)

Looking at a map, the 61 degree South latitude appears to be even more hostile. According to Wikipedia it is 100% under water.

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current also seems to be always lurking nearby.

I suggest using the America’s Cup yacht competition as a cover for making time rate measurements at the 61 degree South latitude. The transmitters on the rescue vessels would be on 24-7.

I estimate a 30% fatality rate for the competitors along with nearly universal frostbite. I am willing to make these sacrifices in order to advance science with these measurements.
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Annual Stellar Aberration is the direct result of both the Earth’s and the Sun’s Inertial fields distorting the position of a star near the Northern Ecliptic Pole.

This aberration was blamed on some GR or Lorentz contraction effect that doesn’t even exist.

This is New Physics that the Empire hid by renaming a unicorn as a mule.

What happens to a star that is near the Southern Ecliptic Pole? Anti-aberration?


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
When a large spherical mass like the Earth is in motion (acting under the effect of an inertial field) clock rates on its surface can be compared to determine both the direction of the masses motion and its speed. Motion can be directly measured using clocks!

The Michelson Morley experiment was a failure because the local speed of light is always the same. You have to compare clocks at multiple positions on a mass to get the vector (direction) and magnitude (velocity) of your movement through space. The inertial field exists for all moving masses but the time differences for small masses are too small to easily measure.

The Galactic Inertial Field Pole (strongest time distortion) which propels the Earth along its galactic journey with the Sun appears to be located about 5 degrees from the Ecliptic Pole (toward the galactic center). The velocity for the Sun is supposed to be about 230 kilometers per second. The clock rate effects from the Galactic Inertial field poles on Earth should be about 16 μs (microseconds).

This from:

Tempo2 , A New Pulsar Timing Package – II. The Timing Model and Precision Estimates. (2006)

R. T. Edwards, G. B. Hobbs and R. N. Manchester Pg 1556 or page 8 of the individual paper

The default correction of equation (31) is therefore uncertain within at least a factor of 2, corresponding to a minimum of 130 ns of error at f=1 GHz for a source located at an ecliptic pole, increasing to many microseconds for sources within a few degrees of the ecliptic.

Using the celestial reference system, the forward Solar Inertial pole should be around

Celestial Coordinates Right Ascension 17 57 27.8 Declination +60 58 31.8.

(From my rudimentary calculations) The Sun’s direction of motion around the galaxy seems to be about 5 degrees off of the North Ecliptic pole. This would place the Sun’s orbit at 90 degrees to the Galactic Center (but not in Galactic coordinates?). An orbit is usually at right angles to its center.

The part of the Sun’s orbit which is supposed to be a secret is the apparent 30 degree inclination to the galactic plane. The Solar System spends a lot of time out of the crowded galactic plane or human civilization would not be here.

If you had a clock that was at about 61 degrees north latitude when ra 17 57 27.85 was overhead (24 hour shift dependent on time of year) it should read about 16 μs different from clocks not affected by an inertial field.

If a clock at about 61 degrees north latitude were compared to a clock at about 61 degrees south latitude (-180 degrees reversal in the northern clock longitude as it passes through the Earth’s center) the clock rate difference could be as much as 32 μs per second.

(Surface of Earth to center of Earth divided by c) multiplied by (Earth’s galactic velocity divided by the speed of light) gives the clock offset at the leading edge of Earth.

(SurfaceꚚ to centerꚚ/c) x (galactic_vꚚ/c).

Direct Test of Theory​

Two ham radio operators could detect the time difference between their oscillators if they generated a 1 mhz constant tone while one of them was at this critical latitude (approximately 61). The ionosphere affects the speed of electromagnetic propagation not the frequency of the tone. The difference in time rate is large enough that stable over the counter electronics should detect it. (Stealing that long baseline array was looking problematic anyway).

The Earth’s (Galactic) Inertial Field (61 to 63 degrees North or South latitude) would be present as a 24 hour sinusoidal difference in clock speed comparisons.
"You have to compare clocks at multiple positions on a mass to get the vector (direction) and magnitude (velocity) of your movement through space. "

What coordinates do you employ to establish this movement? Where is the origin (0,0,0,0)

It sounds like the "mass" is the origin of your coordinate system?

Cat :)
Now I know why the Empire was hiding the actual direction of the Sun’s galactic motion. If the axis of the Sun’s motion and the axis of the annual stellar aberration matched, the Empires mathematical spell of invisibility would not be able to hide the truth.

According to the Empire, the Suns orbital inclination to the galactic plane is less than 2 degrees. When it is actually much closer to 30 degrees.

The “Local Standard of Rest” is an Imperial lie by omission. They omitted any star which would show the Sun’s actual movement through the galactic plane. The “Local Standard of Rest” is a fiction.

The empire expended great effort to keep this and other secrets.
The Imperial LIGO system has the right idea but the wrong scale. If you compare three clocks spaced 90 degrees from each other on the Earths Surface (about 6000 miles) you will get some idea of where the temporal distortions are. You make a measurement over 1 to 27 days to determine the pole.

You move the clocks so that at least one clock is positioned where the galactic inertial pole is likely to be located and the other clocks should be unaffected (equidistant from either pole). This is an iterative process until you determine where the poles are.

Cat you are correct, xyz and time. The Earth’s mass is the reference and the clocks determine the magnitude (and direction) of the temporal distortion.

These temporal poles are just the surface manifestations of a greater field extending around the Earth. The raw GPS clocks will give you a lot of detail about a portion of those extended fields.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
You state:
"Cat you are correct, xyz and time. The Earth’s mass is the reference and the clocks determine the magnitude (and direction) of the temporal distortion."

If Earth is your reference, you are just stating the consequences of Special Relativity. You are treating the Earth as stationary by the very fact that it is your reference, similarly there is no time for reference without Earth.

But of course, we know that the Earth is moving around the Earth-Moon centre of gravity, which is moving around the Sun, which is moving around . . . . . . . . . and so on.

I take your "temporal distortion" and all that simply as your recognition that your frame of reference (Earth) is not actually an absolute frame of reference in any real sense, because there is no such thing as an absolute frame of reference. I believe that this is why you are confusing us and, dare I suggest it, possibly even yourself?

Cat :)
Is there a database (which isn’t guarded by Google) containing a catalogue of stars with the greatest “measured” stellar aberrations? No Imperial theoretical models but actual measurements? At what coordinates in space does the maximum occur? This does not automatically assume that it is exactly at the ecliptic pole.

Also did the Hipparcos and Gaia satellites see the same amount of aberration as terrestrial observatories? Ignoring any “corrections” by the Empire?

Do widely separated terrestrial observatories see the same amount and direction of stellar aberration at the same time?
These are “fake” relativistic arguments. Using the speed of light in an argument does not automatically make it relativistic. A microsecond difference between clocks is not possible (under any form of Relativity) when the clocks are moving on the same surface of a body like Earth.

Unless you have one clock experience 5000 g’s and the other clock experience normal gravity. That would explain a 1 microsecond difference in clocks as the relativistic effects of gravity.

If two clocks on Earth have a velocity difference of a few hundred meters per second that would only explain a few picoseconds of time differential due to relativistic velocity.

The gravitational well produced by the Sun at the distance of the Earth might be a couple of 100 nanoseconds and it would be nearly identical on any place on the Earth.

If you have physics which doesn’t follow these examples what is the basis for your argument?

They put the speed of light into an equation that does not have any relationship to the physics of SR or GR. This is secret physics that has been intentionally mislabeled.

Why are the clock measurements a secret? Literally a hundred major papers out there say these measurements could never exist. If you agree that the clock measurements are real then automatically you are a heretic and you will be burned at the stake.

I suggest deciding this with a trial to the death with atomic clocks. (Too much Game of Thrones?)


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I have no further comment beyond this:

I take your "temporal distortion" and all that simply as your recognition that your frame of reference (Earth) is not actually an absolute frame of reference in any real sense, because there is no such thing as an absolute frame of reference. I believe that this is why you are confusing us and, dare I suggest it, possibly even yourself?
Ah, the frames of reference argument. None of those pesky surface clocks having high differential time rates when you can move the temporal reference point to the center of the Earth and all those embarrassing time rate phenomena disappear. Reference frames which also conveniently hide secret physics.

Stellar aberration was detected more than 200 years ago.

If the 61 degree latitude clock differentials exceed more than 1 microsecond (possibly as much as 16 microseconds) then they cannot be explained using the words in SR or GR. Just because an equation contains the speed of light while defining a phenomenon, that phenomenon is not a part of General Relativity unless GR has already predicted it.

Stellar aberration is a fake “ex post facto” prediction of General Relativity. General Relativity never mentioned any clock distortions related to inertial fields. In fact, General Relativity never mentioned inertial fields at all!

Stellar aberration is the result of the temporal gradients of the Earth's inertial field refracting (bending) the stellar light rays passing through it.
A portion of the annual stellar term might be the result of looking through the Sun’s more massive (and slightly tilted?) inertial field.

Light is not a baseball curveball.

GR is worthless tool but an excellent curtain to hide the magician’s tricks of the Empire.
Cat, you sound so final?

The closer the star is to an inertial pole the greater the temporal gradients and the greater the refraction. Velocity changes between the source and receiver of a light beam produce the doppler effect. They do not affect the apparent position of a star as mumbled in the Empire’s fictional explanation.

Are you familiar with the speed of gravity argument? If the effects of a gravitational field between two moving masses shows ANY latency related to their past and current positions all gravitational theories would become unstable.

The Empire’s explanation for Stellar Aberration is for light to display latency. The light we receive now is dependent on where the emitting light source is now? This Imperial fiction for Stellar Aberration is also independent of the distance of a particular star. This makes the Stellar Aberration effect local (near Earth) unless the universe is trying to trick us?

The only real relativistic effect produced by the Earth’s velocity around the Sun is a slight doppler shift in the received stellar spectra. Stellar Aberration is the refraction of stellar light caused by either (or both) the Sun’s and Earth’s inertial fields.

If clocks and stars are affected at the same point in space about the Earth how is that related to Relativity?
If Relativity is actually relevant to satellite clocks why did the Galileo System fail? Relativistic corrections are supposed to be tiny. Orbital perturbations and satellite ephemeris are supposed to be robust.

The July Galileo Outage: What happened and why

The reason the Galileo system failed is that the actual time variations and the satellite orbital distortions are greater and more periodic than publicized. Relativity is not the cause for these corrections so using relativity to calculate those corrections is meaningless. The correction factors are constantly evolving and cannot be predicted ahead of time using relativity.

If you had access to the actual gravitational and temporal conditions being corrected for, you might produce a working algorithm that would allow you to at least predict the band of orbital and clock corrections. But that algorithm would also give away the secret gravitational and temporal phenomenon that the Empire is hiding.

Without acknowledging the actual causes for those gravitational and temporal distortions the Empire went to a purely pragmatic iterative calculation based on past history (for satellites in that space) and some crude models. The problem is once the iteration is interrupted, the models and corrections fall apart.

Another part of the problem is that the ephemeris is built up from each satellite knowing the position of the other satellites. Direct precision ground measurements of a satellite would show the gravitational phenomenon that the Empire is hiding, so they make all of the measurements relative. When you try to restart the system, you have to create a spatial model for all the satellites, let it run, check it again. You keep rerunning the iterative process until you get position and clock convergence for all the satellites. When everything is a variable (like a restart) convergence takes a long time especially since the other Empire GPS/GLONASS installations would not be able to generate a useable solution for the Galileo system.

My guess is that the missing report would show that they connected the Galileo system to one of the other Imperial GPS systems to reboot it.

If they were running models and corrections based on the actual physics which is affecting the clocks and orbits (which violates GR) Galileo would have been able to recover much more quickly.
One thing that all of the GPS correction systems have in common is secrecy and a tight connection with the IERS. Would the actual correction models used by the Galileo system be admissible in court as evidence of a conspiracy?

How about the raw clock signals from the satellites versus their position and velocity in space?

How about the detailed satellite ephemeris showing periodic displacements due to Earth’s inertial fields?

If the raw data used in GPS models shows physics which violates GR how is that not a criminal conspiracy?
GNSS ephemeris and clock convergence is a dark art only practiced by a few systems on the planet.

The EU GNSS Agency (GSA) which is in charge of operating Galileo relies heavily on industry. The GSA itself is a hub of contracts, but is not itself a powerhouse of Galileo operational expertise - since all this has been outsourced to large defense contractors.

Within the Galileo project there is the Galileo Reference Centre, which was designed to be an independent monitor of Galileo performance. This GRC is in reality run by the Spanish space, IT and defense company GMV.

Currently, around 5% of the Galileo capacity is lost to software problems likely in the Orbit Synchronization Processing Facility (OSPF), run by GMV.

There is a culture of secrecy around Galileo which is not productive.
Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) is when your GPS loses accuracy as you go North. Except that if you are at about 61 degrees north the accuracy of your GPS should have a 24hr cyclic term with the worst accuracy occurring when the ecliptic pole is directly above you.

How hard would it be to plot that and see if it is true? How would General Relativity explain that?