The sun's atmosphere: Photosphere, chromosphere and corona

I call attention to the ancient sunlight issue reported here. "The sun's atmosphere is made up of several layers, mainly the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona. It's in these outer layers that the sun's energy, which has bubbled up from the sun's interior layers over the course of a million years, is detected as sunlight, according to University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR(opens in new tab))."

The reference cited,, says clearly, "The photosphere is the visible "surface" of the Sun. The Sun is a giant ball of plasma (electrified gas), so it doesn't have a distinct, solid surface like Earth. Sunlight that is created by nuclear fusion in the Sun's core (center) gradually works it's way outward, colliding over and over with atoms in the Sun's interior. After a million-year journey, the sunlight finally reaches a level where the plasma is less dense and photons stop running into atoms and can finally escape into space. This level is what we see as the glowing "surface" of the Sun - the photosphere."

My observation. 1. The Sun is assumed to originate as ZAMS some 4.6 billion years ago on the H-R diagram. 2. The Sun would be Faint Young Sun for sometime after that. 3. Gamma photons generated deep in the heart of the Sun's nuclear core could take one million years to reach the surface, redshifted to optical light photons creating the light we see today on Earth.

All 3 points are something we cannot observe directly today concerning the Sun but are needed to reconcile with radiometric ages used to date meteorites and the age of the solar system and Earth as some 4.56 billion years old.


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