This is the concept I thought of this morning. I wanted something that can launch from high speeds and altitudes, thus allowing greater payload to orbit, and something economical and "possible". Thus it might seem to you that you have already seen something like this before. Well, it does look like a SR-71 blackbird, and I hope because blackbirds flew, maybe this would fly too . <br /> <br /> This construction is made of a rocket(labeled 3), which is centered beetwen two F-106s(labeled 1, and please exuse the fact it doesn't look too similar to the f-106, as the picture is only illustrational, bacause it was done in 3 minutes and in crude paint) with engines. Cockpits would be removed and both f-106s would be operating on remote, from ground base. <br /><br /> Reasons for choosing f-106s where mainly affected by the delta wing, and high speed, and the fact it's single engined. Engines would also be replaced with more powerful ones, or be modified to the extent that mlorrey suggested in the x-106 thread, thus making for more speed and altitude(bot not orbital). Other aircraft with similar construction could be also included(like the modified MiG 21 with a larger delta wing, like I saw on couple of prototypes). <br /><br /> Additional fuel would be stored in place of the pilot and the equipment to keep the center of gravity. Parts labeled 2 would be the additional "wings" which would (hopefully) create additional lift and stability, along with the fact they would also be full of jet fuel. The reason for this is that f-106 engines would operate on afterburners entirely while climbing and gaining speed, and thus they would eat alot of fuel. The fuel from 2 would be pumped in the f-106 fuselage, trying to keep the balance and center of gravity. The two f-106 would be connected to the rocket(and the rocket wings) and to each other, and would stay like that untill they would reach required speed and altitude. When that is done, the most complex part of this "venture