Nov 4, 2024
Tesla had an electrical flight idea. Could this have worked by having enough fast moving electrons from electricity to push an object up as helium would rise? My theory is if you have a large electrical current between two points on an object then you could create lift.
Nov 4, 2024
Another theory. Inertia does not keep the earth suspended but the flow of electrons given off by the sun charging the earths core to be negative. If the sun is giving off flow of electron or light then it is electrically charged or also a negative magnet gravitational opposition or a natural push between the two objects.
Yes, a beam of electrons would create lift. The problem is, in air, their "mean free path" is only a few millimeters at best.
Yes, the Sun and the Earth each hold a charge. It is mediated by the Solar wind to a constant value, which is so small it is insignificant when compared to gravity.
Nov 4, 2024
Yes you could be right. I have been studying Tesla videos. His wireless way to transmit electricity made me think that solar polar truly is the highest impact on the earths orbit and even weather. As a child it was purposed that space is nothing. When in my theory everything is shrank and continues to shrink all the way outside of the suns gravity. Light is known to create smoke currents and in my theory the sun is giving off space amounts of shrunken smoke or space dust
I was trying to theorize how we will stop shooting rockets at the moon
Nov 4, 2024
if the sun is giving off x amounts of electrons and x amount of smoke then there would be enough smoke or particles to push themselves even out past Pluto. I love theorizing and I was perfect at chemistry. I just think the center of the galaxy creates stars and they get pushed away slowly as they gain charges but possibly lose mass
Nov 4, 2024
Another theory. How to terraform a planet. Rather than use explosions necessary to do the job. I think using a gigantic “laser” at a rate and frequency that heats the core causing volcanic activity producing heat and moisture in the atmosphere
Nov 4, 2024
Another theory. Inertia does not keep the earth suspended but the flow of electrons given off by the sun charging the earths core to be negative. If the sun is giving off flow of electron or light then it is electrically charged or also a negative magnet gravitational opposition or a natural push between the two objects.
To test this theory I will use two magnets one much larger than the other. I will attach the magnets to an arm that can be pulled into the other magnet via rubber band. The rubber band is to simulate the sun’s gravitational pull. If the mounted small magnet begins to spin around the large then I would assume inertia alone does not keep our distance from the sun

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