Aug 21, 2020
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here is something i have been thinking about.
kindly keep an open mind.
imagine the whole universe as a box and all the glaxies are inside this box consealed within the 6 walls.
imagine all the 6 walls are worm holes that connects the oppsite walls of this box.
Theoritically worm holes exist.
if this idea is pictured the universe is not expanding rather just moving.Thereby taking out the question what is the universe expandin into.
Sep 21, 2020
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An interesting proposal. But wouldn't we see things appearing out the other side and coming towards the center of the universe just as much as moving away from it? We would see things essentially moving back and forth.

Think of how Pac-man can off the screen and then appears on the other side, that is how I understand your theory. But imagine if Pacman was a 3D first person game. You would look down that hall and see the back of pacman's head's. (I believe the ghost spawn is actually blocking the view in the real game, but for the purpose of the analogy, just pretend it's a straight hall way.) This is because light reflecting off pacman's head would bounce back behind him until it would hit the wormhole. Then, like everything else, it would appear on the other side in front of pacman, allowing him to see the back of his own head.

Now imagine if the ghost spawn is still in the middle and 'Pinky' and 'Blinky' head left and 'Inky' and 'Clyde' head right, one after the other. Say Pinky hits the left wormhole and goes through, and Inky hits the right wormhole, going through. They each appear on the other side, now heading the opposite direction. You now have Blinky and Inky on the left and Pinky and Clyde on the right. All the ghosts are now heading the same direction as before, but they are now no longer all heading away from spawn, Pinky and Inky are heading back! If you were an astronomer at the ghost's spawn, you would see two ghosts heading towards you and two heading away. This isn't consistent with the data on the universe, as in our universe mostly everything is heading away from the center, not and even amount. Perhaps Pinky and Inky haven't reached the wormholes yet? Please let me know what you think.
Aug 21, 2020
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Hey u r not taking into account the vastness of space.Even if the thoery i put forward is true,it wud take millions of years for the light from the vast number of galaxies disappearing from one end and appearing in the other end to reach us.Considering its just been a couple of decades since we put up the hubble and we just started observing and learning our universe,we cant be sure of anything. And most of what we know as of today is also simply the only hypothesis of what may be.The concept of a box universe i spoke of in the above proposed thoery is just an analogy i used to explain this idea in the most simplest way. If i proposed it in a complex way,i was sure the main highlight wud be overshadowed.the main point being,what if the borders of the universe are made of wormholes which open into the universe itself.not neccesarily into the opposite site.
Sep 21, 2020
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So, like the pacman ghosts go through and appear back at spawn your saying? That would account for all matter seeming to head away from the center of the universe, especially considering that if us or 'pacman' is watching somewhere in-between spawn (the center of the universe) and the wormholes and they were actually light years away, we would only see the ghosts passing us heading away from the center, but not the actual 'spawn' or the 'wormhole'. Is this more accurate? I am sorry if i don't fully understand, I am trying.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Sorry, I don't understand Pacman.

If I understand, left connects with right, up connects with down and front connects with back. Is that correct?

So galaxies are 'leaving' left and appearing in right. So left appears to be expanding, but then right must appear to be contracting, and we don't observe this.

What am I not understanding, please?

Cat :)
Sep 21, 2020
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Catastrophe, that was exactly what I was thinking, and trying to explain using Pacman. I believe we are to assume that the galaxies coming back through the wormholes have not reached us yet??
How about the universe is just endless quantum fluctuation and endless big bangs /big crunches partial unready big bang mass/energy or things to be cannibalized inside the endless fluctuation spawned from potential energy of nothing/void space.
Quantum fluctuation can create it all until it balances out the energy and no more permanent particle creation happens.
Put to much energy in any region of it and a big bang happens.
No walls, no start, no end and we have been looking at the big bang as the universe and we were wrong
Nov 6, 2020
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Sorry, I don't understand Pacman.

If I understand, left connects with right, up connects with down and front connects with back. Is that correct?

So galaxies are 'leaving' left and appearing in right. So left appears to be expanding, but then right must appear to be contracting, and we don't observe this.

What am I not understanding, please?

Cat :)
Pacman, of course! :tearsofjoy:
The rest you got right.