I've got a couple of questions about thermal management systems in general.<br /><br />They seem to come in two varieties.<br /><br />1) Re-usable tiles like on the shuttle.<br />2) Ablative Heat shields that are one shot use.<br /><br />Somebody correct me if i'm wrong, but my general impression is that tiles although re-usable are delicate and easily damaged.<br /><br />Ablative heat shields are more robust or put in a more protected location?<br /><br />Ablative heat shields can handle higher re-entry velocities? Earth re-entry direct from the moon as in Apollo.<br /><br />How expensive are ablative heat shields? How expensive are tile systems?<br /><br />The area protected by tile systems like on the shuttle would be much larger than the areas protected on a capsule on re-entry.<br /><br />Is their a difference in weight per area protected for the two systems?<br /><br />It seems that these and other issues of thermal management that I just don't know enough about the subject to bring up, would seriously affect a lot of other launch vehicle considerations.... <br /><br />I brought this up because most other discussions have centered on the relative merits of rocket types and configurations.