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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Knowledge is power!
Brevity is the Soul of Wit

Origin of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

It is one of the countless phrases coined by William Shakespeare. It appears in his play, Hamlet, in the second act, where Polonius says, “Since brevity is the soul of wit / And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief…” However, doubt about the creation of this phrase lurks among literary circles. Some critics argue that, by using this proverb in his play, Shakespeare made it popular, though the phrase was already in use. On the other hand, some doubt the veracity of this argument.

Brevity is the Soul of Wit - Meaning, Origin, Usage and Analysis › brevity-is-the-soul-of-wit

Source: › brevity-is-the-soul-of-wit

Cat :)


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"I want to know what’s going on on Venus".

The surface temperature and pressure are totally hostile, in fact it is difficult to get a probe to survive for any time.

Higher up, in the clouds (a few tens of miles), temperature and pressure are Earthlike and could provide a suitable venue, but for the fact that the atmosphere contains sulphuric acid. However, there is primitive life on Earth in hostile environments, so best not write off the possibility yet.

Cat :)
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Mar 10, 2021
I always fascinated by Mars.I dreaming of becoming a space explorer but i am now in college & i struggling a lot haahhaha that's why it seem impossible for me.But every night i look up to the sky to look on it even its only a red dot from the ground it makes me feel relieve,i having exciting feeling that those dreams are just right here ,waiting me to chase them.However I also wanted to see jupiter i would love to see its hexagon storm .Amazing!
Mar 10, 2021
If we're talking in this solar system, it has to be Jupiter. It's so beautiful and I would love to learn more about the gas giant. But if we're talking exoplanets, it would have to be Proxima Centauri b because I would like to know if it's habitable.
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Mar 10, 2021
I'd love for us to send a mission to Saturn that could visit Titan and search for life beneath the ice!
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Mar 7, 2021
I was lucky enough to have met Dr. Andy Thomas (South Australia's NASA astronaut) and his passion for space travel has inspired me ever since to look at the infinite possibilities that space and space travel presents. My planet of choice would be Saturn and ultimately Titan with its possibility to support life.
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Mar 11, 2021
Well, it's not a planet but I'm very fascinated by black holes, especially Sagittarius A*, the center of our galaxy.
I hope that the day will come soon when we will be technologically advanced enough that we can send a probe in (or at least close enough) to a black hole for research purposes.
Jul 25, 2020
I remember pride welling up in me when John Glenn, boarded Friendship7 for 9 days in space. John Glenn, the first American to orbit OUR planet, Earth 1962. ALL eyes were on Space exploration. WE were so Proud. I am not ashamed of being older than dirt - Do you remember "Who Knows? The Shadow Knows!", and Orson Wells? We'd gather around the radio, my Dad would be in his big stuffed chair, our Mom was crocheting in the chair next to the radio.Us kids laying on the braided rug watching the radio when the show was interrupted by news, We were being invaded by Martians! I remember Roswell and the plethora of major leaps in advancements immediately after. I've lived long enough to witness people actually living in a space station. I'd love to move to a moon habitat, where all the knowledge gained in exploring space, reverse engineering from crash debris at Roswell. etal; and the ISS could help us resolve our planetary issues - uses other than WAR. I do not want to explore another planet, I'd rather invest in exploring, establishing habitations on the moon, a stepping stone to Humans on Mars and beyond. I'd rather work at communicating with those that visit our Blue Marble.
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Mar 12, 2021
I'd like to visit Mercury and explore its unique topography. It would help us understand the origins of our solar system.
Mar 12, 2021
I'd concur with the Europa comment (just don't tell Arthur C. Clarke ;))

Alternatively - a proper non-flyby look at Pluto

(OK... 2 non-planets... 🤣)
Mar 12, 2021
Rather than a planet we should venture to Jupiter's moon, Europa!! One of Jupiter's only moons that could support life, plus if the UK help us get there that might be the closest we get back to Europe again ;P
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Mar 12, 2021
Jupiter should be explored next, as it’s the next planet further than Mars, and for human civilization to exit our Solar system to get to another Solar system, we have to demonstrate that our space ship can go to Jupiter next and come back safely.
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Mar 13, 2021
I would love to see Jupiter explored more. I love the storms that are on it and would love to know more about them.
Mar 13, 2021
It is so totally fascinating to think about travel to other planets so watching this was amazing.
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Mar 13, 2021
Pluto would be the one that would impress me. It is a small planet. It is supposively a ruler at one time. It rides on the side of the law and it rules over the other side of the fence. Enigma. What can this planet be all about? Bring on the photos. Send it to the CIA and FBI who are into foreign activities. Not so serious. I would like to see them all.
Mar 13, 2021
Hat-P-7b and the idea of sapphire and ruby rain sounds like something stunning to be seen from a lkng distance off
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