This Week In Space podcast: Episode 139 —Look to the Skies

Mar 31, 2020
Again you treat this serious topic with a frivolous spirit. Being flippant and disingenuous does not help to communicate the phenomenon of UAP's. First the term UAP refers to spacecraft seen in the water or in space, as well as in the sky. Two meetings in Congress and a meeting with Senate Armed Services Committee would suggest this is a very serious issue. It is very serious. The problem continues to be podcasts that share the opinion that UAP's do not exist. A valid UAP sighting is an extremely rare event. Spacecraft seen that defy the laws of physics have been by countless credible witnesses. You dismiss all of them. It is not very scientific. Humankind will almost certainly venture to other stars and other worlds, and yet we pretend other worlds cannot possibly have intelligent life, nor can they venture to the stars. All evidence is classified. The good news is both Congress and the Senate continue to pressure both the DOD and the Pentagon. The new administration favors disclosure. The truth will be revealed to the public sooner rather than later. We will see high resolution videos. Hear about reverse engineering and the Immaculate Constellation. The public deserves to know.

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