This week's Community Question is about spaceships!

Oct 10, 2019

Howdy, folks! Back from a much needed Easter break and feeling refreshed. Hope everyone is having a lovely start to their week :)

So, for this week's question, I was wondering what everyone's favorite spaceship is! I've gone back and forth on this (ever since I was a child). To this day, I find myself being tempted to change my answer. However, I'm sticking with the TARDIS from Dr. Who. I mean, where could you NOT go in that thing??

So, what's your favorite space vessel? And, yes, you can absolutely choose a fictional one as well.

Oh, and just a heads up - tomorrow is a big day on the forums. We'll be announcing a winner for our Perseverance prize pack AND kicking off this month's giveaway! It'll be a doozy, I promise :)
Jan 15, 2020
I like Tyson's Ship of the Imagination in Cosmos...
Although, Neil said in that series that the key to scientific progress was the sharing of information. Old Neil must not have read the warnings on his DVD's....
"If you show this DVD to anybody we don't like, even for free, the FBI will come to your house, whip your ass, shoot your dog and throw rocks at yo Momma."


Apr 1, 2020
I mean, where and when could you NOT go in that thing??
FTFY. :)

This is a tough one for me as there have been just so many. From Enterprise and Discovery One to the Sulaco and Endurance. I think the only way to answer this would be to ask which one would I most want and my answer would have to be the Firefly class, Serenity. It's as much of a home as it is a space ship. It's like of all the vehicles I've owned over the years, the one I loved the most was my old '74 Volkswagon Campmobile. Old and worn out, but it fit like an old pair of jeans.

-Wolf sends
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Mar 28, 2021

Howdy, folks! Back from a much needed Easter break and feeling refreshed. Hope everyone is having a lovely start to their week :)

So, for this week's question, I was wondering what everyone's favorite spaceship is! I've gone back and forth on this (ever since I was a child). To this day, I find myself being tempted to change my answer. However, I'm sticking with the TARDIS from Dr. Who. I mean, where could you NOT go in that thing??

So, what's your favorite space vessel? And, yes, you can absolutely choose a fictional one as well.

Oh, and just a heads up - tomorrow is a big day on the forums. We'll be announcing a winner for our Perseverance prize pack AND kicking off this month's giveaway! It'll be a doozy, I promise :)

NCC-1701 (but the ones (micro-ships) in inner space, may be the best of all, traveling within living organisms/beings/humans/animals, & prolonging their health, life & happiness) Microtechnology is the new/next frontier. "It's not how 'far' you can go, but how small/micro you can go." The possibilities are endless. <> <>

Beam me up Scotty

Kirk (out)
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The TARDIS is a little outdated. If it lands in Texas it could become target practice. :) A TACO truck would be more suitable, perhaps. TACO - Traveling Astrocraft for Cosmic Operations.

I think I flew too many hours in NCC1701 to not make it my personal favorite just based on experience or familiarity.

But there are far sexier/snazzier ones.

The Falcon would be my second choice since a Captain who thinks a parsec is a unit of time means the ship must be really easy to fly.

The ship in Passenger is one of the few that doesn't stretch fiction with crazy gravity. So, in a class of most respected design (closer to real science), it would even impress HAL (2001), I think.
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Jan 14, 2020
Tesla's Roadster with Starman. Though not a true spaceship (more a satellite) its a pretty slick piece of space junk! Just hope some alien doesn't happen upon it and think we are all intelligent mannequins.
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Apr 4, 2021

Howdy, folks! Back from a much needed Easter break and feeling refreshed. Hope everyone is having a lovely start to their week :)

So, for this week's question, I was wondering what everyone's favorite spaceship is! I've gone back and forth on this (ever since I was a child). To this day, I find myself being tempted to change my answer. However, I'm sticking with the TARDIS from Dr. Who. I mean, where could you NOT go in that thing??

So, what's your favorite space vessel? And, yes, you can absolutely choose a fictional one as well.

Oh, and just a heads up - tomorrow is a big day on the forums. We'll be announcing a winner for our Perseverance prize pack AND kicking off this month's giveaway! It'll be a doozy, I promise :)
i was wondering if the pyramids in Eygpt and south america were maybe ufos hiding in plain site,
given the tech to make them, would have been highly unlikely 4000 years ago.
and given they have an arrowhead design they would have aero dynamic and shielding properties akin to building a space ship in a comet or asteroid or meteor .... so maybe they have been gutted of tech and they are the shell of a space craft. their mass if rotated would also assist greatly in creating artificial gravity if they were to spin in space
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Apr 4, 2021
i was wondering if the pyramids in Eygpt and south america were maybe ufos hiding in plain site,
given the tech to make them, would have been highly unlikely 4000 years ago.
and given they have an arrowhead design they would have aero dynamic and shielding properties akin to building a space ship in a comet or asteroid or meteor .... so maybe they have been gutted of tech and they are the shell of a space craft. their mass if rotated would also assist greatly in creating artificial gravity if they were to spin in space
or maybe theyre a worm hole or that matrix or library or tardis they talk about in
the movie interstellar....
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May 13, 2020
My favorite "spaceship is the Klingon Bird of Prey, and the Borg Cube. That being said, how realistic are they in the real world. We are babes in Toyland wanting to see our childhood dreams take flight. Fortunately, childhood dreams give way to maturity as we get older. What will real ships be like in the next 500 years? NASA wants one size fits all, but on Earth not one airplane fits all. Besides, they don't leave the planet to deliver Amazon packages. Is delivering rovers the same as sending astronauts to Mars? Food, clothing shelter (radiation free), and gravity are the things humans need in order to survive the rigors of deep space. Although, seeing a Klingon Bird of Prey would be awesome.
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Mar 5, 2021

Howdy, folks! Back from a much needed Easter break and feeling refreshed. Hope everyone is having a lovely start to their week :)

So, for this week's question, I was wondering what everyone's favorite spaceship is! I've gone back and forth on this (ever since I was a child). To this day, I find myself being tempted to change my answer. However, I'm sticking with the TARDIS from Dr. Who. I mean, where could you NOT go in that thing??

So, what's your favorite space vessel? And, yes, you can absolutely choose a fictional one as well.

Oh, and just a heads up - tomorrow is a big day on the forums. We'll be announcing a winner for our Perseverance prize pack AND kicking off this month's giveaway! It'll be a doozy, I promise :)

Saturn V
Oct 28, 2019
I have to go with the Orion crew module. After all my youngest son is named Orion. I am hoping to take him to see his namesake lift off some day. So if any to you have any connections at Cape Canaveral to get us a good viewing seat then let me know...
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The Klingon "Bird-of-Prey" is my all time, "I gotta get me one of those" space ships, (if I only could). Just imagine, "now you see it, now you don't"; that alone would would change the balance of world power, frighten little children, scare burly men who look like biker dudes, and befuddle the old ladies who continually complain about my barking dogs.
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Oct 30, 2020
I like quite a few spaceships from various movies and series, but I think this old man would definitely like to be aboard the Discovery X-Ray Delta One from 2001: S Space Odyssey. I built a computer from scratch back in 1978 while attending Austin Community College, so I think I could tackle HAL and bring it to its senses. If not, then what a ride! 🚀
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Mar 28, 2021
I liked the spaceship that Lela, Fry, Bender & the gang used on Futurama. I believe they once mentioned the name of this ship. Anyone know it's name? Btw, my genealogical/real surname is Frey. No relation to the Futurama Fry, but maybe Bender? Who was your favorite character on Futurama? Mine was Bender. Those Bender t-shirts were the best. "Let's party!"

Energize :)

Ancient One
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Jan 23, 2020
Considering my handle is Spaceman2001, I really should offer the Orion shuttle from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I do also like the Moon Bus and, of course, the Discovery.
Another choice that I haven't seen mentioned - and which is really sleek - is the C57D space cruiser from that absolute classic - "Forbidden Planet". You'd hardly believe that it was released 65 years ago - it's still absolutely stunning, and, like 2001, it was done before the days of CGI.
5 years ago, for the diamond anniversary, I went over to my brother's family with the DVD ... and I baked a Forbidden Planet cake for the occasion :)
Mar 5, 2021
I'm personally fond of the micro-ship in Fantastic Voyage, but as a series (TV) I liked the Eagle(1999)
and original vipers BSG, and of course X- Wing
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Mar 6, 2021
I remember In the 70s I was probably seven or eight and my Christmas gift was the Apollo rocket that was attach to a gun that uses springs to lunch the rocket in the air. This question bring back so much old memories.


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