Time and Space

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Hey- chew on this!<br /><br /> If time on Earth as we know it rotates clockwise, then can there be an explanation to why Earth and the other planets rotate counterclockwise? And could it possibly effect our universe the way wee see it? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="2" color="#14ea50"><strong><font size="1">We are born.  We live.  We experiment.  We rot.  We die.  and the whole process starts all over again!  Imagine That!</font><br /><br /><br /><img id="6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264" style="width:176px;height:247px" src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/14/4/6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264.Large.jpg" alt="blog post photo" width="276" height="440" /><br /></strong></font> </div>


<font color="yellow">If time on Earth as we know it rotates clockwise, then can there be an explanation to why Earth and the other planets rotate counterclockwise? And could it possibly effect our universe the way wee see it?</font><br /><br />About frame dragging:<br />http://www.google.com/search?q=frame+dragging<br /><br />About time:<br />Time is not an object, it's goes nowhere - it cannot be twisted. Time cannot be contained in a bottle. Nothing can be contained in time, for time is not a container. Objects are containers of smaller objects, like a body with its cells and DNA. Time is not made of parts. <i>Time is simply a measure, a unit of change.</i> Change, which is act of changing, is not a object. Change cannot contain anything, for change is not a container. <i>Change is simply a notion of before and after.</i> Change cannot stretch, twist, and bend. Neither can time. There is no such thing as clockwise and counterclockwise time that corresponds to the spin of planets. Spinning mass does not rotate time.<br /><br />About the spin of the earth and the notions of "clockwise" and "counterclockwise".<br />In any case, if you look at the earth above the north pole, the earth is seen to spin counter clockwise. "Under" the south pole, you can look at the Earth and see it turning clockwise.


Ok, so time itself is universal as Matter. Time started milliseconds after the Big Bang. Time, just like matter, can neither be created, twisted, distorted, nor destroyed; it only can be used. Time is like the fourth dimension. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="2" color="#14ea50"><strong><font size="1">We are born.  We live.  We experiment.  We rot.  We die.  and the whole process starts all over again!  Imagine That!</font><br /><br /><br /><img id="6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264" style="width:176px;height:247px" src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/14/4/6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264.Large.jpg" alt="blog post photo" width="276" height="440" /><br /></strong></font> </div>


<font color="yellow">Time, just like matter, can neither be created, twisted, distorted, nor destroyed</font><br /><br />Time yes.<br /><br />Energy itself, cannot be created or destroyed. Energy can only be transformed from one element or form to another element or form.<br /><br />However, atoms can be created and destroyed in particle accelerators. They can "bounce" and be compressed, strecthed, etc - depending on the level of energies forced into it. Even atomic nuceli adhere to these possiblities. An atom is not a closed system, so the energy an atom loses must go somewhere.<br /><br />In all:<br />Matter in terms of atoms (where Matter is Atoms) can be created (i.e. organized) and destroyed (i.e. deorganized).<br />But Matter in terms of energy (where Matter is Energy) cannot be created (i.e. spontaneously generated) nor destroyed (i.e. spontaneously removed from the universe).


isn't time a unit of measure us humans have put in place because our infant minds find it hard not to have such a unit of measure.? Everything has to be calculated when it really doesn't.???!!!<br /><br />I agree with what you've said though kmar.<br /><br />


no. Time passes, it's a dimension. think of it this way.<br />you c (the speed of light) speed. you are traveling at this speed all the time in one direction: time.<br />If you accelerate in a spacial dimension, that subtracts from your speed in the time dimension. This is why a person traveling at 99% the speed of light experiences time differently than a person "standing still". this happens at significantly lower speeds too (even just walking speeds) but the effect is far less severe.<br />this also explains why you can't go faster than the speed of light. <br />(this is how i remember the analogy from a book. I might have messed up a little but i feel i've got it right.)


yeh, I appreciate your explanation too, however I still believe the measurement of time (perhaps as we know it and do) is irrelevant.<br />I think we gauge it because our lives are finite - when we move beyond the meat sacks that we are - time will be irrelevant.<br />I don't believe there is a right and wrong anyway because in essence we have bound ourselves with our own words when trying to explain something that is beyond our current comprehension.<br />But it is all good, have to start somewhere........... oh sorry there is no beginning. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


time is the order in which events occur. You need time to say that "The beginning came before the end". To say that we are here <i> after</i> the Earth formed.<br />think of it this way:<br />North/south<br />East/west<br />up/down<br />Before/after


You are correct, my point is beyond current use.<br /><br />OUr methods of time keeping are going to be screwed when we inhabit other star systems. We can't keep using "earth" time put it that way.<br /><br />Disclaimer:<br />Also I'd like to re - mention, I am no expert on this topic, so if everything I have said is incorrect - please let me know. I'd hate to upset experts on this matter that roam this site.. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /><br />


"however I still believe the measurement of time (perhaps as we know it and do) is irrelevant."<br /><br />Before GPS satellites, mariners found accurate time measurement very relevant. Without an accurate chronometer, they could not accurately calculate their position in the ocean. They had finite stores of food and water and could ill afford to get lost.<br /><br />Farmers find time measurement very relevant. When to plant. When to harvest.<br /><br />Space mission planners find time very relevant. In fact, for space missions, timing is everything. The entire Cassini mission would have been lost had the spacecraft not started its deceleration burn at the right time.<br /><br />Maybe in some metaphysical or philosophical sense, time is irrelevant. In our little microcosm, however, it's essential. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>


Maybe I should have explained myself better, btw thanks for "reminding" me about the obvious usages of our time measurement - all those things slipped my mind!!!<br />Perhaps if that light or FTL travel ever becomes a reality, then our time keeping model will have to be reviewed......... <br /><br />its nearly time for lunch, I'm outta here. Hey there is another use for it!


time can be distorted, the clock taken to space was found to differ from the clock<br />left on the ground, upon return from orbit. The clock taken to orbit sped up as it<br />distanced itself from earths gravity and then slowed back down to usual speed <br />upon return from spaceflight.<br /><br />a clock on the surface of a black hole barely moves if at all. the vast empty voids<br />are in the future, and the black holes remain in the past.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


well time is a creation of the human race. A clock rotates clockwise because that was the easiest and most accurate way of measuring time. The fact is, does time exist.<br />Time does not travel in directions, it is just there. It exist and stands stationary past, present, and future.they are already there, we just experience time in that order.<br />Back to the question does time exist? maybe but we cannot measure its existance. The Past is now the Present, and then became the future from when I started this sentence. It is so quick it cancles itself out.<br />The past is a memory, the future is a thought, the present is the only reality and it is so brief we cannot even imagine when it is.


The clock's rotation is just a part of the technology, would the direction of the sand falling in an hourglass have anything to do with what direction a planet rotates? Of course not! What exactly are you asking?
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