Tourism on Titan

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I was looking through some great conceptual designs for yatchs and submarines from Concepts. How interesting would it be to see some of these ships designed to travel under the methane seas on Titan as well as creating a tourist attraction for people to journey to see? Although the designs would expensive to build given the atmospheric conditions on Titan the idea is novel enough for a sci-fi story to be written around it. I can see it now...A Schopher Infinitas sailing on high on Lake Domenico the Sun glistening off of the vessels hull the methane seas parting before her mighty breath.

Oberserver's on the promenade tourists are enjoying their rather exuberant and expensive two week stay at a coastal station.

"Who would have thought that we would ever be sailing on the sea's of Titan." the man says to his wife taking a sip of his vintage 2010 Merlot.

The sun glints off of her glass as she turn and looks out of the promenade's six inch think clear aluminum panel.
Her smiles and joy are soon replaced with a dark cloud that is gaining on the luxury liner. The breaking glass causes everyone's attention to turn towards the scene unfolding on the lake before them. Seven blackened ships of unknown design emerge from the cloud bank directly astern of the luxury vessel.

Aboard the seven ships the thunderous roar of song can be heard.
"The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones
the seas be ours and by the powers
where we will we'll roam

Yo-Ho! All Hands
Hoists the colours high!
Heave-ho thieves and beggars
never shall we die

Now some have died and some are alive
and others sail on the sea
with the keys to the cage
and the devil to pay
we lay to fiddlers green

Yo-Ho haul together
hoist the colors on high!
heave ho theives and beggars
never shall we die

The bell has been raised
from it's watery grave
hear it's sepulchral tone
a call to all, pay heed to the squall
and turn your sails to home

Yo-Ho haul together
hoist the colors on high!
heave ho theives and beggars
never shall we die


Hey I just PMed you my address, can you send me whatever your smoking asap?! Sounds like some crazy sh!t...

Cavesofmars must be giving it to everyone!


No I didn't. The topic started out as a possible business but I was listening to Hoist the Colours on You Tube and had a vision of seven pirate Schopfer's chasing the lone luxury liner while singing their pirate tune.


dryson":280lbhhg said:
No I didn't. The topic started out as a possible business but I was listening to Hoist the Colours on You Tube and had a vision of seven pirate Schopfer's chasing the lone luxury liner while singing their pirate tune.

Yeah, I too want some of what you been smokin'!!! :cool:

Actually, if I were a solar system tourist, I wouldn't be as interested in Titan as I would to take a submarine ride in the ocean under the ice of Europa. I bet that would be neat as hell, especially if there is life there, as I think there might be.
What does a fish that evolved in an un-Earthly ocean look like? Can't wait to find that answer...
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