How can a person travel faster than the speed of light?
How can a person travel faster than the speed of light?
How can a person travel faster than the speed of light?
I really don't think a human body could handle the speed of light. If we had a ship that could travel the speed of light we would probably have to be put in some kind of protection container. I think in Star Trek they did something like that.
Nothing can travel faster than light as to travel as fast as light would require infinite energy and your relative mass would be infinite as well. You could travel close to the speed of light though, it would just require a lot of energy. In theory you can cheat by warping space but negative mass, which is needed, doesn't actually exist so it's not yet attainable.
Not true, it's only acceleration the body can't handle. So if you accelerate extremely slowly in a shielded craft it's fine. Actually you could accelerate at 1G for a really long time and there would be no difference to being on earth. It would take about a year to get close to 1C at 1G acceleration.
But didn't they just do an experiment that proved you can bypass the speed of light?
You just said a shielded craft. Wouldn't that be the same thing as a protection container?lol! Thanks for your input. Any ideas on how to travel the speed of light in a ship? I am pretty sure it won't be done by a rocket and rocket fuel.
Link? If it's QM related doesn't mean much.
You seemed to be implying something sci-fi'ish regarding the 'protective container'.
Seems to me traveling the speed of light could be done fairly easily with just light sailing, it's just a matter of having a big enough sail and energy conversion ability. When reaching the destination you'd just need to reverse the system to slow down.
Well yea I did say Star Trek.But then again when it was on in the 60's the phones they had were Sci Fi also. We are seeing Sci Fi become a reality right before our eyes in some things. I think if we can imagine it for the most part it can be done.
Light sailing does sound plausible. I wonder if their would be any takers on the first one to try and go through a black hole. I know the science is saying the body would never make it through and even if it did you wouldn't be able to come back. So I think the best way right now would be bending space time.
How can a person travel faster than the speed of light?