<i>Yes lifting body designs look really cool, but isn't what a vechicle can accomplish much more important?</i><br /><br />The CEV capsule and STS-derived launch vehicles will do nothing to make spaceflight more frequent or routine. Instead of spending billions to send 4 astronauts to the moon a couple of times per year, we should develop a vehicle that can give us safer, more affordable access to space. And I believe that when spaceflight does become more routine and flights to and from LEO start to approach airline style operations, it will be lifting body space planes that will define the next chapter in human spaceflight. NASA's CEV design is the result of a defeatist attitude. The administration is no longer willing to accept challenges, take on risk, and push the envelope. They are taking the cheap and easy route, and it's a path that will result in wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on soon-to-be obsolete systems as the rest of the world passes us by. Perhaps Europe or Japan will take the lead in scramjet propulsion or RLV development while NASA puts the bulk of its resources into its vintage capsules and its expensive STS-derived launch vehicles that exist because of political considerations more than technical merit. <br />