Welcome to the Space.com forums!
There are many places to share your thoughts and passion points on the internet, so we’re really glad that you’re here. We want you to enjoy and feel comfortable in our community, so we’d like to present the principles we live and grow by. We’re asking you to spend your valuable time with us, so it’s only fair that we offer you clear insight into what kind of community we’ve built.
Our Core Beliefs
- We ensure the good health and stability of our community by holding each other to a high standard of behavior in these forums.
- Civility is the cornerstone of any healthy community. Our inclusive community enables all to passionately express an opinion without violating our Community standards.
- Our greatest strengths are our differences. Just as muscles grow stronger when faced with resistance, so too do our beliefs. Be open to what others have to say and let this new context help shape your perspective.
- Everyone has stories to relate about experiences that have shaped them as people. Tell us your stories, share your experiences, and help shape a community for the ages.
Our Founding Declaration of Principles
- Civility - We are kind and use the most respectable interpretation of others’ words.
- Expression - We welcome dissent, debate, counter and contrary opinion.
- Recognition - We elevate brilliance and acknowledge greatness.
- Commonality - We are an extended, integrated group and share our passion together.
- Inclusion and Diversity - We are bettered by a kaleidoscope of views and perspectives; it makes us stronger.
- Discovery - We empower each other with a mutual exploration of our interests.
- Celebration - We celebrate shared interests and passions as part of the human experience.
- Expertise - We curate knowledge, skill, enjoyment, and wonder.
- Maturity - We value and respect the time given to our passion with our interactions.
- Experience & Continuity - We learn, remember and build upon the legacy of our community members.
We’re all in this together. Your Community Team has provided the foundation on which to build a living, breathing society, but it requires your participation. If you see ways we can improve, let us know: community@futurenet.com
We thank all of you for joining us on this journey - we are excited to see where it takes us.
~The Space.com Community Team