Hello I never posted on here and this is the first time visiting this site. I am posting because I have been searching the internet since Wednesday to get some info. I was in the west coast of Puerto Rico and my son yelled out the he sees a shooting star. Now im not an astronomer or anything but I dont think it was a shooting star and I didnt have a chance to film it. It seemed to be in the atmosphere and it had a round shape with an orange tail. It traveled fast through the sky but not shooting star speed. It went from east to west and dissapeared in the clouds. I got a good 6 seconds to watch it. It did not seem to be descending either. It traveled across the sky. I read the NASA report on the unknown object but I watched the film on it and this object was different and way closer. Maybe it was just a shooting star that was closer than I ever seen before. I usually just see them for a second before they dissapear. Anybody know what this could be? Thanks.