Have you ever read the short story "The Land Leviathans" by Wells?<br /><br />The TRUELY amazing bit about it, wasn't that he developed a "tank", because after all, people had tried to do so in reality since ROMAN times.<br /><br />The NUMBING bit, was the mental attitudes of the two sides in the war. If you can read that, and not say " WOW, the Tank drivers are _ _ _ _ _ _ s, and the Tank drivers' prey are _ _ _ _ _ _ s ". I will be utterly surprised. He pinned EXACTLY, the mental adjustments that two great peoples made, to mechanised warfare. Sure, LATER the adjustments co-incided, because of the pressure to survive, but, MY DOG !, he could have been writting from a transcript of WW1.<br /><br />His understanding of the KEY function of science fiction, which is to look at Mankind, and say "If this changes, ( some scientific discovery, or advance ) how will men adapt to the change", just beggers belief, because he didn't even realise it was science fiction he was writting.<br /><br />One of the greats. Wells, Dickens, Doyle, Austen, we will never see their like again, because THEY had no like Giants to be standing on. Imagine what THEY could have acchieved, if they had THEMSELVES as literary history to build on.