Warped Space-Time

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Oct 1, 2021
That's the usual explanation of the effect of mass. But that's not Einstein's explanation.
In his 1952 article, Relativity and the Problem of Space, appended to his 1920 book,
Relativity: The Special and General Theory, he writes, "Space-time does not claim existence
on its own, but only as a structural quality of the [gravitational - added by me] field. Thus,
we can conclude that Einstein saw time-space as a field generated by matter. The view of
matter warping space-time doesn't do justice to general relativity, to gravity, or to matter.


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
I don't exactly get your point here.

If you meant to say that space-time is a gigantic field generated by matter, that is indeed true. But why would that lead to the dissolution of the idea that matter warps space-time? :)
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Cheez, what a space-time curvature exists in the totaled up background non-local in every direction radial out made up of, but exactly opposed to, all foreground locals!
Oct 1, 2021
Do magnets warp magnetic fields, or do they generate them?
There is not one gigantic space-time field, according to A.E. Every piece of matter, no small, is able to generate the space(-time) required for it to exist.
Oct 1, 2021
I think most scientists will agree that GR plays a major role in Cosmology.
I've posted a reference showing that Einstein explained matter as the source for space-time, an important view that is not often understood.
Anyone who wants a reference for matter generating the space it needs to exist should be able to know how to use a search engine.
If you don't agree with Einstein's statements, take it up with him.
If you think there is one large space-time field for the universe, that would require an unbelievable amount of matter at its center. If you think there is such a center, take it up with the moderator.
Don't bother to reply, as I am leaving this forum.
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