According to materialistic concepts, matter is eternal and infinite. Therefore, the material world has always been there. The universe is the part of space that man has been able to explore today: from the microcosm to the metagalaxies. But our universe is just a small piece of infinite matter.
The Big Bang hypothesis was developed for a local point of matter and is based on the assumption that our universe is expanding and cooling. Moreover, to build a hypothesis, a rather strange assumption was made that the Universe was concentrated in a small region of space in the form of matter with infinite density and temperature. The question immediately arises: what was next to this area? How did this area form? There are no answers!
The concept of a cosmological singularity as the state of the universe at the initial moment of the Big Bang, characterized by infinite density and temperature of matter, seems more like a fairy tale than a scientific assumption. It is not for nothing that the problem of the existence of a cosmological singularity is one of the most serious problems of physical cosmology, since no information about what happened after the cosmological singularity can give us any information about what happened before that. In my opinion, this shows the weakness and even falsity of the Big Bang theory. It's not for nothing that many pseudoscientific and religious figures have seized on the fact that, according to the Big Bang theory, the appearance of the universe was an act of God's creation.
Incorrect conclusions have emerged from the wrong assumption. If you look at the theories of the Big Bang and the Hot Universe, you can't help but think about the rich imagination of the proponents of these theories. Really, in a fraction of a second, fabulous transformations take place in the universe. Without going into the details of the description of the above theories, let's try to take a different look at our universe and at all matter in general.
The latest cosmological data (dark matter, dark energy, etc.) show that the universe cannot be a isolated system and therefore there is an environment external to our universe that has a powerful effect on it. Due to this effect, and not as a result of the big bang, objects in the Universe move in different directions: some galaxies are moving away from us, and some are approaching. Moreover, this process is very slow and we see only a moment of it (like a photograph).
The model of the universe as a part of infinite matter removes the contradictions of the cosmological singularity and can explain such exotic concepts as dark matter and dark energy.
Indeed, dark matter manifests itself by gravitational effects, which can be explained by the influence of the external environment on our universe. The same applies to dark energy – it is the energy of external influence on our universe. As a result, we do not see "darkness", but a completely understandable picture of the material world, which does not need fairy tales like the Big Bang.
Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.
Our universe has always been a part of matter, so the time of existence of material objects in it is immeasurably more than 15-20 billion years. Perhaps hundreds, thousands, millions of billions or even more. The objects that we observe in our time may have existed for only 15 billion years, but the universe is an open system and it is constantly changing and updating. Old objects are destroyed, turning into cosmic dust, black holes, clumps of energy, new objects appear, etc. The process of matter transition from one form to another is constantly underway: matter-field, etc.
The presented hypothesis is confirmed by the research that has been carried out over the last century, especially in astronomy: the creation of radio telescopes allowed us to look into such depths of the universe, which were previously only guessed at. With the expansion of the studied space, the idea of the age of our universe has also changed.
Einstein's equations have many solutions, depending on the initial conditions, so it is incorrect to take them as the basis for a model of the universe and is fraught with erroneous conclusions (the big bang theory).
It is known that the Soviet mathematician and geophysicist Al. Al. Friedman found non-stationary solutions to Einstein's gravitational equation and predicted the expansion of the universe (a non-stationary cosmological model known as Friedman's solution). If we extrapolate this situation into the past, we will have to conclude that at the very beginning all the matter of the universe was concentrated in a compact region, from which the universe began its expansion. Since explosive processes occur very often in the universe, Friedman had the assumption that at the very beginning of its development there is also an explosive process — the Big Bang.
The trouble with most physicists of the past and present is that they approach material objects as reductionists.
Reductionism is a methodological principle according to which complex phenomena can be fully explained using the laws inherent in simpler phenomena.
This approach to phenomena in the universe led Friedman to a great error, and his mistake was picked up by idealistic physicists and turned cosmology almost into an assistant to the church.
Based on a systematic approach to any objects in the universe, the validity of which has been fully proven, it is impossible to describe the properties of the system based on the properties of the elements that make up the system. Moreover, if the system changes, then its properties will also change. If the elements within the system and the connections between them change, then the behavior of the system itself will change.
Linear extrapolation of Einstein's equations into the past is a gross mistake, leading to the mythical Big Bang.
The evidence of the Big Bang is considered to be cosmic microwave background radiation, which supposedly remained after the cooling of the universe. We might as well assume that this radiation has always existed.
The Big Bang model predicts some phenomena in the universe, does not explain their essence or explains them incorrectly, and this is precisely due to the reductionist approach that must be overcome.
Extrapolation into the past when solving Einstein's equations leads to a singular state of the universe. It turns out that it was concentrated either at a point or in a small volume. The point state is so absurd (even in geometry, a point is a fundamental concept) that it can be immediately discarded. Therefore, let's consider the state in the form of a small volume.
If the universe was concentrated in some small volume, then it should be considered as an isolated system that does not exchange either matter or energy with the outside world. This follows from the conclusions of the proponents of the Big Bang, according to which there was no space outside the universe, i.e. there was nothing. The question immediately arises: who and how concentrated matter and energy in this small volume and how long did this state last? The Big Bang theory does not provide an answer, but offers unscientific fiction in the form of a singularity.
The question also arises: what was the detonator of the Big Bang? Why did the universe explode? According to the 0 law of thermodynamics, a closed (isolated) system tends to thermodynamic equilibrium, so the universe should have turned into "dust" rather than exploding.
With the concept of time, the preachers of the Big Bang generally get a fairy tale worse than the biblical one. The time values taken from the ceiling are taken and discussions are conducted about some processes in these time periods. If you believe the tale of the Big Bang, then the processes at the beginning of the creation of the universe took place at a speed much faster than the speed of light, which contradicts the SRT, which supporters of the Big Bang rely on.