This is not a scientifically rigorous conclusion. Please go back to school and take a class that deals with epistemology.
We are related but we come from a different mold. We are related so our body will function here, but this is not our body's home. Look at all the other bodies. Only we are out of place.
We are only physically a small difference from an ape. But that small difference is a universe.
I stand squarely behind my thoughts. It's self evident. For all to see.
Some believe our understanding of light tells us that space is expanding, it tells me we're ignorant.
Some believe the world is in climate danger. I believe it's a blessing.
Some say a reduction in CO2 is necessary, I believe it's impossible to reduce it.
IF, IF CO2 does raise temp.......get ready, for the largest increase ever coming.
It only take a few decade of witness, to discern that science has the same failure rate as anything else. Even more so, because of the tax funding. When science fails, just pump some more money in to it. And the continued failure of false ideas. Look at CERN. Only confusion comes from CERN. That and the demonstration that mass and matter can NOT be put in superposition. But none of that matters. It doesn't change any narrative. We still have black holes. But never produced or seen one.
Would you like to see a quirk from an electron? Just charge it up, bust it, and there it is......just like a proton. Try it. All quirks are just dissolving charge fragments. You may make them from electrons too.
This is all self evident to me. It's right out in the open, no veil.
Don't get me wrong, I love science. But I want the adult class.