<p>For those not familiar with "Watchmen" it was a series of graphic novels that, considered as a whole, was the only graphic novel to appear on Time Magazine's 2005 list of "the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present." To say it's a classic is a vast understatement.</p><p>Doctor Manhattan looks FANTASTIC!!<br /><br />Link...(105 mb 720p Quicktime)<br /><br />Jezzzz.....graphic novel and comic flicks just keep on hammering the industry, don't they?<br /><br />Some stills....<br /><strong><br />Comedian (special ops)</strong><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/Comedian1.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><strong>Doctor Manhattan (god-like powers: teleportation, self-duplication, subatomic matter control etc. etc.)</strong><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/Dr.Manhattan.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/Dr.Manhattan2.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/Dr.Manhattan3.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><strong>Nite-Owl II (took over from Nite-Owl on his retirement)</strong><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/Nightowl2-1.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><strong>Ozymandias (rich kid plays superhero: smart & ruthless)</strong><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/Ozymandias.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><strong>Rorschach (Ayn Rand fan: top investigator & ruthless)</strong><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/Rorschach1.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><strong>Silk Spectre I (mother: combat specialist)</strong><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/SilkSpectre1.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br /><strong>Silk Spectre II (daughter: combat specialist 
</strong><br /><img src="http://digitalvideo.8m.net/watchmen/SilkSpectre2.jpg" border="0" alt="" /></p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>