Nice to assume entropy goes on with no end, therefore has gone on with no end, always and forever.
Also, nice to assume that colder areas, colder physics, always pre-exist hotter areas, hotter physics, have always pre-existed hotter areas, hotter physics, forever, for the hotter to always, forever, transition into.
Also, nice to never explain this reasoning that hot, energy, somehow only existed instantaneously and momentarily but cold, entropy, was always and forever. What a mind to think that way.
In a Star Wars movie Obi Wan Kenobi asks a librarian what could have happened to a planet that obviously should have existed. The librarian came back with the reply, "If it isn't in our archives, it simply does not exist." What a mind to think that way.
Just because it isn't so obvious, or it isn't obvious at all, does not mean it doesn't exist. Varying, diverse, broad and deep infinities (like heat here and cold there, cold here and heat there) are a real problem for finite limited scientists, especially strictly singularly in-line physicists and others. Somewhere there are too many hot bangs to count. Somewhere else there are too many cold ends to count. As infinities, they are always paralleling infinities, broadly and deeply. What need is there of time reversal in infinities of universes: Time's infinities of varying times, broad and deep.