What time is SpaceX's 3rd Starship launch test on March 14?


Mar 13, 2024
Can everyone please stop writing EST, CST, etc. Nobody needs to be told whether the time you're providing is in standard vs daylight savings time, and in cases like this article, it's just wrong because the author and editor don't bother you use the right one. Just write 8am ET and call it a day.
Mar 13, 2024
Can everyone please stop writing EST, CST, etc. Nobody needs to be told whether the time you're providing is in standard vs daylight savings time, and in cases like this article, it's just wrong because the author and editor don't bother you use the right one. Just write 8am ET and call it a day.


Apr 3, 2020
What is interesting here is that we haven't gone down the daylight saving argument path.

Many think it was a farm thing. As someone who grew up on a farm, many moons ago, I can assure you it had no impact on our work day.

We adjusted as conditions changed.

Personally, I would do away with the annual changes. In a modern 24/7 world, its usefulness is debatable.
It was a city slicker industrial doctrine of early last century for most. Who use it. I don't know of any who need it now.

But unlike Ben Franklin, keep DST, not standard time, I don't want to get up at 4:30 in the morning. Ben took that early morning stuff too seriously.
Mar 13, 2024
Since PI out to 10 decimals is 3.1415926535, it seems tempting to set T zero at Mar 14, and 13760 seconds (03:49:20)
Mar 14, 2024
I find it amazing that with International interests especially space and
'military' matters we don't all stick with GMT or if you prefer to call it such UTC.
Anyone following these things, knows how much before or after UTC their locality is, irrespective of DST.
Most people could care less about GMT. They only need to know when they need to get to work, or some other appointment. That is because they live by the clock in a city instead of living by the sun on a farm or ranch.

So, as one of those persons who lived by the clock for my working career, I hated having to drag myself out of bed before dawn and drive in the dark to my office. When "daylight savings time" was extended deeper into the winter's short days, that made me do a lot of driving in the dark.

Now that I am retired, I get up with the sun, and go to bed when I am tired. Much less stress.

So, if the government is silly enough to make DST year-round, I hope that businesses will go back to adopting "summer hours", "winter hours" and maybe "spring/autumn" hours so that their employees are not unnecessarily getting up before dawn.


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