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Thank you guys for explaining what "Jumped the Shark" means!!<br /><br />It's actually rather incredible that I have never heard that phrase before considering the fact that I watch way too much television... :))<br /><br />I absolutely agree that when Richard Dean Anderson left the show that the greatness of the show went with him....the storylines and plots were not as well written, the action and general scenes were not done with their usual perfection, overall the show did change in many more ways than with just his departure....I am thinking that maybe RDA had a lot more input than we realize while he was there...<br /><br />As to Amanda Tapping and SGA...in my humble opinion...the fault lies not with the actor but with the scripts.....she KNOWS her character as well as anyone could possibly know with the exception of the writers but she simply has not been given good lines and plots and to tell the truth she just doesn't seem to have the same chemistry with SGA as she did with the characters in SG-1....it is a shame....I blame the writers in this regard...<br /><br />My biggest problem with SGA is that they just do not explore for the sake of exploring....THAT is what was great about SG-1....they used to explore and run across great characters like the Nox, for example....it just seems like whenever a television show does continual war plots, the show ends up getting boring....AND it is also now the Rodney McKay show....he has basically taken over the show and THAT is also a mistake.....and whatever happened to that great tension between Carter and McKay when they were on SG-1 when he first showed up (that was great fun!)....now THAT would have made for a much better relationship instead of what we have now....sigh.<br /><br />In spite of all of this....I still watch SGA because there is just so little good television left, especially in science fiction....so like the good little Stargate fan that I am, I will be watching SGA tonight as usual at 10pm...<br />


<font color="orange"><br />My biggest problem with SGA is that they just do not explore for the sake of exploring</font><br /><br />Well I doubt they would be doing much exploring both the wraith and the replicator problem. One thing I have noticed as a lot of Atlantis episodes are basically a story continuation with a few stand alone episodes. The earlier SG1 had one or two episodes and lots of stand alone episodes.<br /> The one thing that fustrates me in Atlantis is all the opportunities for them to have obtained new technology and equipment but it gets destroyed instead. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Very true....if they were smart, they would make ALL of their episodes "stand alone" episodes....and that would mean much more creativity....and hard work :))


While I agree they should have more stand alone episodes the ones with a big storyline should be shoved into a stand alone or they would really suck, instead maybe have a special episode that runs a hour or two.<br />In essence it would be a stand alone episode but one on steroids hah hah <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


...Sigh...<br /><br />I wonder how different the world of science fiction would have been if Gene Roddenberry (Roddenbbery???...sheesh, I thought I knew how to spell his name!) had been around much longer....


Much as I respect Gene Roddenberry, he also showed the tendency to be "Hollywood formulaic" about things as well. Even to the extent of "recycling" his old series ideas and plots.<br /><br />Example: much of "Andromeda" is taken directly from "Genesis II," and worked around a bit. Even the lead character, "Dylan Hunt" is identical in both series. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


<font color="yellow">Atlantis sucked crap straight from the pox'ed warthogs anal passage. Then tounge kissed itself without cleaning its teeth first. </font><br /><br />holy crap, someone call hell and see if it has frozen over. I am in 100% agreement with EtAvaunt. <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" />


I do agree that SGA is just not as good as SG-1, but considering the absolute wasteland that television has become over the last few years, especially in the science fiction genre, I do watch Atlantis to get my Sci-Fi Fix...what else is there?<br /><br />And, as to Gene Roddenberry, he may have been as you say but he was at the right place at the right time and Star Trek is proof of that...


Ah, you were actually replying to me. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />In the future, use the "Reply" button for the specific user and post you're replying to. It saves a world of confusion. Thanks. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />Oh, sure, Roddenberry was at the right place and right time, no doubt about that. But as time went on, he became increasingly formulaic with his ST universe.<br /><br />We'd had a debate here once (probably lost in the crashes) about how STNG really almost always boiled down to one of five plots.<br /><br />Data has a malfunction.<br />The Holodeck has a malfunction.<br />A new race is met and the Enterprise overcomes a dangerous situation via a technological quick-fix.<br />Worf has some sort of issue involving his species (usually Gowron or another powerful leader).<br />The Enterprise gets involved in some touchy-feely, let's all kumbaa-ya with the natives of some world. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


Thanks for the tip....seems like I need to learn a whole new set of tricks, etc. whenever I join a new site.... :))<br /><br />I once heard long ago that there hasn't been a new plot written since Shakespeare and that he has them all covered...<br /><br />A lot of successful people in Hollywood are like Gene Roddenberry....Look at Aaron Spelling for example....he wasn't giving us anything that would get a Nobel Peace Prize but he did entertain a lot of folks for decades with his overly simple and yet engaging plots.....<br /><br />Here is a review of the last SGA episode which you might like (mostly because it does validate your point of view and mine in regard to the last episode!)....<br /><br />http://tv.ign.com/articles/846/846716p1.html?RSSwhen2008-01-22_150500&RSSid=846716 <br /><br /><br />And for all you Trekkies....here is the first glimpse of the new Star Trek movie....<br />http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=21815<br /><br />Enjoy,<br />BillieO
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