@Catastrophe, I think you have a X10 error. 4.3 x 6x 10^12 would be 25.8 x 10^12, or 2.58 x 10^13.
But hey, there is also MASSIVE Time dilation due to the velocity. Sure, it'd take (rounding greatly) 430 years to get to the nearest star at 1% of C, but to the passengers it would only be 430/1.00005 = 429.9785 years, or 429 years, 357 days, 4 hours. So, you'd age almost 8 days less than those poor suckers on earth!
Being a long time Space/Science wonk, I would LOVE to believe that there is some way to travel to other stars, but I can't get past the energy it would take to get there in any less than thousands of years. For instance, a SpaceX Falcon Heavy uses ~440 tons of Kerosene and liquid O2 to accelerate 64 tons of payload to ~5 miles per second. With kinetic energy being KE-((MV^2)/2), then you would need the equivalent of (((1,860mps/5mps)^2))*440 [also note that the divide by 2 in KE equation is cancelled by the need to decelerate, which doubles total fuel requirements) = 60,888,000 metric tons of fuel and O2 to accelerate that same 64 tons to 1% the speed of light. Given that 2020 global oil production was 94 million barrels or (94M barrels * 136kG /barrel) = 12,800,000 metric tons, you could say our little rocket would require 5 years of total global oil production! (OK, more than half the 440 tons is O2, and we are ignoring lots of things here) But suffice it to say, chemical rockets won't get us there in 430 years. Everyone that keeps saying "and we'll accelerate to 99% the speed of light" seems to be missing the fact that you'd need to convert Jupiter or something to fuel to make that happen. ;->
So, to get to the stars using any reasonable rocket the first steps might be 1) make people essentially immortal, 2) give them an off switch so they can handle thousands of years of effective hibernation.
We could rerun all this assuming antimatter for fuel. However, making antimatter is a highly inefficient process, and a quick web search returns "Making 1 gram of antimatter would require approximately 25 million billion kilowatt-hours of energy and cost over a million billion dollars."
I'm waiting for warp drive.