Question white holes cant exist

Oct 18, 2024
a black hole makes space collapse on itself slowing time and space down but a white hole wants to get rid of space but because everything in the universe is wrapped in space that means a white hole either would just rip space open or would just collapse forming a black hole that would explain why white holes cant be seen or found its because they collapse/disappear from space itself
Aug 15, 2024
Isn't it the concentration of the gravitational force of the BH, not the BH itself, that is bending space around it, but "space" doesn't "collapse". The center of a BH should be a massive collection of collapsed atoms, and that's the only collapse. As for white holes, I classify them with fairies.
Oct 18, 2024
Isn't it the concentration of the gravitational force of the BH, not the BH itself, that is bending space around it, but "space" doesn't "collapse". The center of a BH should be a massive collection of collapsed atoms, and that's the only collapse. As for white holes, I classify them with fairies.
thats what im saying when a black hole forms it pulls space tighter and closer and theory says that a white hole would say no to that and push away but space cant exist inside space so it would keep wrapping around it basically two guys fighting one is going to fail same with space and white holes its just a matter of which one rips/collapses
Aug 15, 2024
Never heard that - please quote or link the theory.
No, one is real BH, and one is pure speculation WH. So are fairies.
Jan 2, 2024
Who says space can't exist inside space. A new big bang expansion could overlay an old stagnating universe. Like cordial in water maybe? Overlapping radio waves? I'm struggling to find a good metaphor. Like the way cities are built on older cities. Layers upon layers going back thousands of years. London for example. Perhaps we could locate the bones of older universes that existed before this one. Maybe going back forever.
And that is what a black hole is, is it not? Space within space. (Given that the star is now near singular and the distance to the event horizon is space)
Never heard that - please quote or link the theory.
No, one is real BH, and one is pure speculation WH. So are fairies.
My Granny liked Fairies. As for White Holes maybe Carlo Rovelli would disagree although he thinks they cease after a while. Personally, I think they form a new universe but not in our space!
And Granny would think Fairies > UFOs > Fairies -
which, as we all know, do exist, so there!:)
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