Why do you love space?

Oct 10, 2019
I know, I know, we're all members of the same community of space fanatics, so why wouldn't we love space?

However, I was thinking about this last week and realised it's because so much about space makes me feel like a kid again. It brings me back to the first time I was told about wormholes and how vast the universe is (or, rather, how vast we think it is based on what we've seen thus far). That, to me, was and still is pure amazement. Whenever I read or hear about some new discovery in astrophysics, it still feels like reaching the top of some mountain and looking down - overwhelmed with the gravity of what I'm seeing.

Anyway, how about you? What fascinates you about space?
Yeah, there are a lot things that come into play.

For one, it's "the only road out of town". :)

Space is the land of great new adventure and full of mysteries. We never knew until a few hundred years ago that we could know something about it. It's stunning to me that we now have a clear idea of our age, size, motions and general composition of the early period all from one theory.

It's vastness boggles even the greatest minds, yet, thanks to SR, travel might not be impossible for any one lifetime after all.

The beauty of it all is remarkable as well. APOD is how old? And it's going strong.

It's always nice to have something to look up to. ;)
I do not *love* space but enjoy astronomy 😊. The diversity of exoplanets (exoplanet zoo) reported is fascinating. Example, ‘Evidence for substance at liquid-gas boundary on exoplanet WASP-31b’, https://phys.org/news/2021-01-evidence-substance-liquid-gas-boundary-exoplanet.html, also Evidence for chromium hydride in the atmosphere of Hot Jupiter WASP-31b, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv201110558B/abstract, November 2020

Another interesting area is expanding space. It turns out the cosmological constant is still a serious problem in BB cosmology, not solved. The wrong value here, the universe does not exist or expands so fast we will see nothing on Earth. The Cosmological Constant Is Physics’ Most Embarrassing Problem, https://www.scientificamerican.com/...onstant-is-physics-most-embarrassing-problem/

Other areas are using my telescopes to observe sunspots, tracking sunspots moving across the Sun showing our star rotates, and observing the angular size changes of the Sun during the year – clear evidence the Earth is orbiting the Sun thus supporting the heliocentric solar system is accurate. "As the distance varies, the apparent size of the sun changes, the visible diameter ranging from 32'.6 in January to 31'.5 in July.", Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, Dutton, 1926, updated 1951 US Naval Academy, p. 237.

This is an activity amateurs using good telescopes with safe solar filters can directly observe and measure.
Jan 22, 2020
Frontiers, adventures, resources, and future. Would have been great if watery, green, luscious, and not so beastly,
Jan 21, 2020
Space the final frontier. What's not to love? It is the only place where we can go and all of us are of the same mind, looking at the future with peace and humanity in our hearts. Adventure, exploration, searching the unknown. that's what it's all about.
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The Universe contains what we term space as well as all kinds of "things" that of themselves are fascinating and interesting beyond a human life time and, it would seem beyond, human civilizations, past, present and future. It's reality in all its wonderous forms and intrinsic beauty, especially as expressed in the night sky. And best of all, we are capable of some understanding of this physicality via mathematics, observations, the scientific method and our Evolutionary gift of reason. There just ain't nothing on TV or in the movies that can so rivet humans to their place in the Universe. To quote and inscription on the tombstone of an astronomer "We have loved the night sky too much to be afraid of the Dark".


Apr 3, 2020
The fascination comes via the questions, "What if?" and "What(who) else is out there?"

Space is a place to ponder the enormity of existence and our exploration into understanding how "it works".

Space gives us a framework to explore infinity and to stretch the bounds of our imagination and collective intellect.


Apr 1, 2020
I think what I love most about space is that there is so much that we don't know. We learn by observation and our view has been so limited (we haven't been around THAT long)... I think we're closing in on the point where what we believed were giant leaps, we're now coming to understand were baby steps. Giant leaps for us, but in the true nature of things, barely a step.

I think our curiosity and imagination will continually push us forward, even if the end result is a brick wall and we never escape our solar system. I think humanity's greatest achievement will be to strive for greatness, even if we ultimately fail.

It's Space that provides us with that drive, will, determination and imagination.

-Wolf sends
Feb 21, 2020
From an early age i bugged my parents with questions, how far away is the moon, is that star another moon too? Is there a bus or train we can catch to get to the moon? NASA wasn't around then, nor was computers, but my fascination with Space never waned, My thanks to Mr. Neil Armstrong and all the following astronauts who showed me the moon, and now NASA for showing Mars up close, and all the photos of outer space from the Hubble Telescope, feeding my curiosity, of what is up there, because i know i wont be able to get there. Now thanks to technology for making this computer so i can search the web to get the answers i seek
Another interesting thing about space is that it's as if it looks down on us and says, "I challenge you to look up and ask the right questions. Look deeper than you've ever dreamed as you will admire what you see and learn!" What if the Earth had always be enshrouded in clouds? We would only dream about how to get above them, which would've stifled our imaginations, perhaps.
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Nov 20, 2019
I know, I know, we're all members of the same community of space fanatics, so why wouldn't we love space?

However, I was thinking about this last week and realised it's because so much about space makes me feel like a kid again. It brings me back to the first time I was told about wormholes and how vast the universe is (or, rather, how vast we think it is based on what we've seen thus far). That, to me, was and still is pure amazement. Whenever I read or hear about some new discovery in astrophysics, it still feels like reaching the top of some mountain and looking down - overwhelmed with the gravity of what I'm seeing.

Anyway, how about you? What fascinates you about space?

Hi it is the future of mankind provided they do not carry their petty rivalries out there. We have to approach space as 'the world' not America/Europe,Russia/China . If we meet other races, either hostile or friendly, they are not going to want to negotiated with a single country on Earth. I have hopefully summed that up in my book Dark Matter Transit 2 this poem which follows the start of World War 3

An Ode To Dark Matter
From the addendum to the book Dark Matter Transit 2

I see it not, but I am aware,
I know that there is something there.
What is this thing that fills the void
twix you and I and the asteroids ?

It cannot be measured in feet or metre,
Nor even by mile or kilometre.
What is its’ use, I wonder why
It lurks unseen in a clear blue sky ?

Is it the flux that binds-all-together,
from Saturn’s rings to Scottish heather ?
Is this the place where spirits thrive.
The place we go when we are not alive ?

It is the unknown between the stars,
from way out there and Earth and Mars.
It is the path, as we evolve,
that beckons us on and on to solve.

What future then awaits mankind ?
If only we were not so blind.
Are our differences just so great
that world war three we contemplate ?

Sidetrack not-then our ultimate role
for irreligious or political goal.
If we can survive as the human race,
wonders galore await us in space !

I know, I know, we're all members of the same community of space fanatics, so why wouldn't we love space?

However, I was thinking about this last week and realised it's because so much about space makes me feel like a kid again. It brings me back to the first time I was told about wormholes and how vast the universe is (or, rather, how vast we think it is based on what we've seen thus far). That, to me, was and still is pure amazement. Whenever I read or hear about some new discovery in astrophysics, it still feels like reaching the top of some mountain and looking down - overwhelmed with the gravity of what I'm seeing.

Anyway, how about you? What fascinates you about space?


Aug 5, 2020
I think I was about9 when my father built a telescope from about 3 feet of galvanized ducting, a parabolic reflector I thought was a mirror a prism and a lens. Wow I think it was 1960. First thing we looked at was the moon and that was all it took. All the explanations I got from all the questions I had totally fascinated me and brought more questions. I was hooked. When he told me there was more space than matter in the table we were sitting at just blew me away. It made sense though looking into space with all the stars and planets and how large our galaxy is. But more space than matter. It makes the mind wonder.
Oct 15, 2020
I know, I know, we're all members of the same community of space fanatics, so why wouldn't we love space?

However, I was thinking about this last week and realised it's because so much about space makes me feel like a kid again. It brings me back to the first time I was told about wormholes and how vast the universe is (or, rather, how vast we think it is based on what we've seen thus far). That, to me, was and still is pure amazement. Whenever I read or hear about some new discovery in astrophysics, it still feels like reaching the top of some mountain and looking down - overwhelmed with the gravity of what I'm seeing.

Anyway, how about you? What fascinates you about space?
I have been involved in the design and manufacturing of Space related satellites in my capacity as an Aerospace engineer and internationally recognized Electrostatics Engineer. Early Career with Hubble imaging , and weather satellites for both NOAA and NASA. Most recent has been JWST and WFIRST (now renamed Roman).
Now that I am retired I look forward to the future of Space Imagery with the Technology soon to be deployed. I await the wonders of image science into the universes undiscovered and the quest for the science in the understanding of the unknown....
Jan 16, 2021
This universe it's existence, the black hole, big bang theory, and what will happen when the sun will explode, etc, etc they're are a tons of what ifs. universe is holding tons of secrets deep within it... It's so beautiful, it's adventurous, I'm curious to know EVERY single thing about space about universe, galaxies, planets, stars, sun, EVERYTHING I want to explore all of that... I want answers for all the what ifs... I can't state a reason to love space but it just attracts me hell alot... More I read about it the more it leaves me craving for more.... Oofff❤️❤️😌
Feb 6, 2021
Space like us was born, is living, and perhaps will die one day to be reborn again and has the strangest thing going on within it and surrounding it, and that is that it always lives in the present, the present that is never static, and yet, it is always the present. "Tomorrow never comes and that is what keeps us moving" (S Vatsyayann 2004) in that direction where we never will be. It will always be the present. For the observer, however, this present journey within the continual present gives the illusion of the past, the present, and the future because of the general relativity. Having studied, experienced, and practiced medicine all my life, I wonder how similar is the science of cosmology and the science of our social structures, animate and inanimate worlds, and once explored deeply, it becomes, it looks and behaves exactly in the same manner as if all was one, separate in the least. Thinking about and studying what's been happening in the cosmological world gives me shivers, thrill, excitement, a 'will' to live and explore, entropy and negentropy, all at once. Now the question arises why would I not love cosmology? There is no alternative, but to fall in love with cosmology and be one with it.
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Jan 13, 2020
It is the dance of physics, laid out in the biggest lab ever. It is the best physics experiment ever. And through physics, we learn how to bend the universe to our will.

Physicists: "It would be great to take some stuff, put it somewhere, and see what happens. We could learn a few things."

Universe: "Okay, here is a sphere with a diameter of 93 billion light years and all the stuff you could ask for. Kick back, watch, and learn."
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
Why we love space? Now, that's a tricky question. In the bottom of the mind of every human being lies curiosity. And whatever we learn, whatever we ask, is just an extension of this curiosity. I love space because, with every question I ask, it gives me greater answers and even greater questions and that feeds to my underlying curiosity and my own existence. It's so mind-boggling and astounding that sometimes, I am out of words to even describe it. It's pure beauty, simply, pure beauty.
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Nov 3, 2020
I know, I know, we're all members of the same community of space fanatics, so why wouldn't we love space?

However, I was thinking about this last week and realised it's because so much about space makes me feel like a kid again. It brings me back to the first time I was told about wormholes and how vast the universe is (or, rather, how vast we think it is based on what we've seen thus far). That, to me, was and still is pure amazement. Whenever I read or hear about some new discovery in astrophysics, it still feels like reaching the top of some mountain and looking down - overwhelmed with the gravity of what I'm seeing.

Anyway, how about you? What fascinates you about space?

For me, space is a space for dreams and imaginations. Of course, there are many studies that claim that there is no life anywhere else in the universe. But if you want to dream, you let go of your fantasy outside our galaxy and imagine that somewhere very far away there is some kind of fairy-tale world. Or maybe terrible. It all depends on your movement of thought. It's like reading fantasy, only everything happens in your head, not on the pages of a book. Space is a place where you can mentally relax.
May 13, 2020
Why do I love space? Space is the emptiness that spans the eons between elements, and it is the elements that drives our search for understanding, knowledge and wisdom. It is not driven by insatiable greed and the love of the Almighty Dollar. Our thirst is quenched by the waters of the eternal. We are wandering spirits who are here for only a second, but all those seconds adds up. A wealth of knowledge is gathered by a thousand generations, and through this we shall live on. Things rust and fade away into history, and often fades out of memory. We hope that this understanding of life that is part of the tapestry of [this]universe, will be carried on by future generations, and this will become the tree of wisdom in the future. This is why I like space. Where there is space; there shall be life. Be it life as we know it, or life as we don't know it. There will always be life eternal.
Jan 28, 2021
I think I love space because of the endless possibilities. The fact that we only know the tiniest, and I mean tiniest fraction about the Universe. Not to mention the fact the we only see about 5% of the universe! The rest being Dark matter and Dark energy and antimatter and all that stuff. With space you could live your entire life thinking about space and endless possibilities and never know the truth. Space also in this time is a growing idea from tourism to interplanetary immigration. So much stuff is happening right now especially with companies like SpaceX around.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

"you could live your entire life thinking about space and endless possibilities and never know the truth."

Don't get too carried away. There may be an asteroid around the corner.
Do try to live a little, please.

Cat :)
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Feb 11, 2021
Sometimes I seem I can talk about space non-stop as everyone else in this thread:D. For me, personally, space means greatness. Space is mostly unknown, and even though everything unknown is supposed to scare us, it makes us feel amazed. Moreover, no one can deny the space is beautiful. The very thought about the millions of galaxies, planets, and, perhaps, even civilizations that can exist makes me reflect on our life, our planet, and something eternal. No one of the most valuable world treasures can be compared to space and all secrets it keeps:relieved:
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I personally think I love universe because of all the strangeness and the impossible stuff linked to it. When I learn something new in this field I'm very happy, then all the things here are impossible theories or at least something that is impossible for me, that's really beautiful. But now, let's talk about wormholes and black holes, they are the strangest "objects" in the universe, and about the first, we don't even know wheater or not it exists!
The most important and funny feature of wormholes is their possibility to stay in two different places at the same time, how can I put it, this is really wonderful in my opinion.
I must say that my love for cosmos is caused by the inexplicability in it! I don't know whether this last sentence is correct or not, but this explains in the best way my thoughts about it.


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