I've only been there in my mind, and yet, I can almost say with certainty, that I've been there. I can't explain it, when I was there, the villiage was alive with people living, breathing, and full of life. Aren't dreams wonderful? I have no idea where I got the idea for this book, but the characters seem to be writing themselves, and they are directing where they are going. Anyone who isn't a writer isn't going to really understand this statement.<br /><br />I'm now reading Heinlein's book, 'Expanded Universe' where he explains this rather well. A writer doesn't write because he wants to write, he writes because he HAS to write! I feel the same way, if I don't write, my day is ruined and I'm a grump. If I can close myself down and edge out the world, then I am the happiest.<br /><br />I have so many words within me that need to come out and live and breathe, I think this is what he was trying to say. He found out that like any other addiction, the more you do, the more you need to do to get that same feeling of self-satisfaction.<br /><br />I may grumble about classes starting and grumble because I have a 25-30 page essay due at the end of the semester, but I am looking forward to doing the research and sitting down and writing!!! I may spend night upon night perfecting this paper, and I will be at my happiest!!!