Why space archaeologists are finding more Mayan ruins than ever before (exclusive)

Sep 30, 2024
It's amazing the things this technology has discovered and it will continue to be amazing to see what comes off future discoveries. The Book of Mormon is an ancient record of the people who lived in Central and South America. Some put this book off as a work of fiction, yet it mentions great civilizations with 100's of thousands of people building advanced cities of construction and farming, well before any of these discoveries were ever made. Over the coming years it will be exciting to see how new discoveries align with the stories in this book.


Apr 3, 2020
So far there is no scientific evidence of a civilization coming from the Middle East to Central America. National Geographic sent the Mormon's a letter. I'm going with them on this one, but I'm open to new evidence as I'm sure they are.

I would also suspect that modern day genetics research would confirm this via DNA analysis (in relation to the NatGeo letter).

For all, this will NOT become a religious debate. Just putting it out there. Thank you.
They are getting close of being able to do something a laser can not do. A laser has one frequency. Pretty soon with this array technology, we are going to be able to deliver a perfectly phase flux, not just frequency, but phase too.

Not only much more precise measurements, but a real hammer. This will hurt. A weapon.

Maybe even a bore hole.
While I have never heard of any evidence of middle-eastern origin DNA in mesoAmerica, there is a lot of evidence that there have been several other contacts from outside the Americas, in addition to the traditional "Berring land bridge" theory.

There is evidence of human habitation in the Americas as early as 35,000 years ago.

There is DNA genetic evidence of south sea islander culture in South America and even evidence of South American culture affecting Easter Island.

There is the "red paint people" culture that seemingly may have spanned from New Jersey around the northern rim of the Atlantic to Portugal, thousands of years before the Vikings reached North America.

We lost a lot of the maritime archeology that occurred before the 325' sea level increase after the last peak of glaciation, about 25,000 years ago. Any seaside cultural artefacts were demolished as the surf along the coasts slowly advanced through the areas where people would have made fishing villages long ago. But, we do know from some burials that people were fishing for deep water species like swordfish maybe as much as 8,000 years ago in the northeastern part of North America. So, how people were able to travel around the globe thousands of years ago is just now beginning to be appreciated.

Which gets us back to using DNA of current inhabitants to try to understand ancient population interactions. But, as we tend to mix our personal ancestries faster and faster with modern travel opportunities, DNA investigation is increasingly dependent on old burials.
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Feb 14, 2020
There are two books that I came across in 1961-63.
One is by Bhikku Chan Lala a Buddhist Monk whose book I was able to locate on internet we acknowledge proper credits:

This book talks about Mayan-Asian-Indian links and similarities and lot of phtos and details page 264 shows Aztec later culture.
Other book was by von Deniken I think it might be Chariots of God if it had Egyptian, Indian and Mayan Glyphs.
This link also talks about pseudoscience and astronaut origins of old archeologies, and negative history of his life.

I though readers responding here might find more about how such far away civilizations got connected?

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