World must act now to defuse 'climate time bomb,' UN scientists warn

I am pleased that promotes science based knowledge about our world as well as the universe beyond our world. Space technology has been vital to observing and confirming the reality of global climate change.
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Sep 11, 2022
This is how the scam works. It's extremely simple.

Astroturfed climate celebrity Greta "How Dare You" Thunberg recently deleted a five-year-old tweet that said the world had five years left to take decisive action in order to halt a climate catastrophe. Quietly, in the dead of night, the tweet was memoryholed. And the clock resets.

Just like the end-is-nigh cult preachers that reset their predictions of the date on which the world ends after the first doomsday has come and gone while the planet keeps turning. Unfortunately for already squeezed taxpayers in the developed world, the climate cult high priests cannot be ignored. They intend to extract their pound of flesh, and then another, and then another, until the flensed carcass of the body politic expires from blood loss.
Sep 11, 2022
This paragraph from the article is so over the top in its shrieking, hysterical tone, one could be forgiven for taking it as intentional self-parody:

Scientists have warned that crossing this 1.5 C threshold greatly increases the risks of encountering tipping points that could unleash irreversible climate breakdown — such as the total collapse of most of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets; extreme heat waves; severe droughts; water stress; and extreme weather across large parts of the globe.

(Emphases added.)

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