You can watch 'Star Trek: Picard' for free right now thanks to Patrick Stewart


Jan 5, 2020
Can Picard or any of the people on Star Trek change 2D to 3D with their brain? I can. started about 15 years ago. Some strange things but my brain fixed any problems. I was watching a football game on TV and all of a sudden it was in 3D. I said that is 3D and since then 3D TV all the time. Images in magazines newspapers etc. There is nothing like seeing a painting on TV and I see the subject in 3D not like being there however. Need stereo cameras for that. A doctor told me it has happened to others for a short time. I just keep going. I do have one medical problem with it. I get hairline objects in my vision. Usually takes 30 min. to clear up. I just hope they keep going away. I revealed this before in comments on another site and I was asked if I was an alien. Nope. I am just like you . Maybe I have a gene that you don't have. As far as I know I am the only one. Anybody else have this ability? Please respond. Yes it is great to have this ability. Any smarter? W ell I did figure out a couple of years ago that DOD could have had SRB ICBM before WW2 if some smart guy had thought of it. So 13 years after the conversion. I guess I am still a slow thinker. Believe it or not. I am enjoying 3D TV. Why have not the Star Trek writers used this? They did not think of it?
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Jan 5, 2020
I watched. You did not say anything about decapitation. You should have warned me. Why don't you show that clip? Fortunately only 2 to go in the story. I was going to watch the other one, but I forgot how much violence and cussing. So I will not watch that either. I will cancel.

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