You'll travel nearly a trillion miles in your lifetime, even if you never leave home. Here's how.


Aug 14, 2020
Don't forget TIME. We are change travelers at the constant of the speed of light emission as well as space travelers, therefore we are time travelers too.

Regarding the length of a human life span, you can measure a brain top to bottom, side to side, outside-in and inside-out, and beginning to end, but just try measuring a quantum entangled, entangling, mind (the "infinity of the mind" (even someone's, some being's, closed mind, shrinking mind, ego, id, matching their non-frontier closed universe view)). The body may go away, but the mind, however tied to the universe at large (enlarging minds) and/or small (shrinking minds), doesn't.
Aug 13, 2023
The premise of this article is a bit silly. You'll travel an arbitrarily large amount if you pick the right rest frame. Or an arbitrarily small amount (zero in your own rest frame). And the author knows this. The author wants to treat the rest frame in which the CMB is isomorphic as a privileged frame, but one of the most basic cardinal rules of GR is that there is no privileged frame.
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Aug 13, 2023
Another dozen years and I'll have done my 1.5 trillion kms. Now I know why I'm constantly tired, always on the move.
Aug 14, 2023
So, if my math is correct, at any given moment we are traveling at around 1,327,000 mph? I tried to figure this out a few years ago but couldn't find the speeds of sun, galaxy, expansion, etc. to do the math.

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