Your Shuttle stuff

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>Thats real slick! I have 5 pc's on a wireless network in my home also, can't get enough. 1mb cable..<<br /><br />Do you get the "Why do you have so many?" questions all the time?<br /><br />"Because!" that's my answer <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


Yep I'm a freak about it I guess. I have cable and sat tv in every room, including the bathrooms.. my notebook laptop goes with me everywhere, as I have a cellular modem aircard when Im out of reach of my home wireless. When big events occur its on the same channel all through the house, so I can see and hear every word no matter where I roam. I have pc wired through my entertainment center, with big screen viewing and I have all communication tapped through my pc via TV pci card.. I love the electronics of it all.


But do you have any Shuttle stuff? There's the question! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


Your interest in my body parts disturbs me <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" /> Mind you, I know you are a "Shuttle Botherer" <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


No shuttle stuff, but I do have a small assortment of Apollo stuff that my mom still has in storage down in Daytona, I will have to try to get her to send it.. I was fortunate enough to been in school in FL when the Apollo missions took place and they let us out of school on the days it launched.. we would go down and set up a tent on Indian River road .. the back road into the cape across from pad 39a and watch the Saturn V rockets launch.. man.. it shook you to your core literally.. so most of my memorabilia is in my mind.. I have only collected graphics and articles on the Shuttle. Although I felt inspired to build a space station or Shuttle fleet after reading this thread. I think that would be a good idea and something that my children and I could do together.. 8 and 11.. I started over late in life and I have a grandson older than my son. I think I will take some advice from newsartist and find some of the 60's stuff still in the box and bring it forward.. my kids are still young enough for me to hide behind a nice budget for such a project here with the wife, I'm sure there are some great satellites to build.. surely there is a model of the hubbel.. its all new to me since this thread is the first time I thought of it. Thanks for the inspiration! Talk to you..


Maybe that's just because he's equipped with the '5 segment SRB'. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em><font size="2" color="#ff0000">Who is this superhero?  Henry, the mild-mannered janitor ... could be!</font></em></p><p><em><font size="2">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></em></p><p><font size="5">Bring Back The Black!</font></p> </div>


Great eye! Why am I not surprised you saw it, though? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <br /><br />And rarer than you think: the Argus is carved (maple dowel and basswood flying surfaces) and free-hand painted... it's about 30 years old and was built by my father (as was the DC-10 behind... also free-hand painted)... all done back in the days before all those custom decals were available that we seem to be smothered in today. <br /><br />The Argus was done because it was custom to name most Air Cadet squadrons after aircraft of the RCAF/CAF/CF. The squadron I was part of (he was also involved with the squadron before my time there) was named after the Argus. Hence that and a few other Argus paraphenalia that I kept after he passed away. Odd thing is, most of my models have bit the dust over the years after a half-dozen moves and years in storage and such... his are the ones that have survived. I'm finally trying to get back into things now, though... settling back down into it. Amazing how crappy your eyes and hands get after doing nothing more than a bit of dabbling for 20 years, though. <br /><br />I'm all for that model thread! I'll post a couple of pics of the Argus (and a few others) on it if you want. I thought it might be a little off-topic in this thread, so I thought I'd hold off here. I'd love to see how your collection has been coming along. Any progress on that Saturn I? I'd love to see how that TPS turned out too!
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