5 mysteries we want to see unraveled in Mass Effect 4

Mar 6, 2023
Did the author ever actually play the games? Neither the keepers or the relays were created by the protheans, and calling the thorian an "harmless being" is ridiculous.
Mar 6, 2023
Did the author ever actually play the games? Neither the keepers or the relays were created by the protheans, and calling the thorian an "harmless being" is ridiculous.
Definitely not.... a picture of Garrus labeled as Saren.... I lose more and more respect for this site every time I read an article
Mar 2, 2023
Editor here - Sorry, that image label was my fault (and no idea how I messed that up, Garrus is my boy)

As to the factual inaccuracies, thanks for pointing them out. The writer has indeed played the games, they recently blasted through the whole trilogy and have been talking my ear off about it. It's a dense series and there is a lot going on in the plot, so I can't blame them for missing a beat here or there, but I should have caught it in the edits, so apologies.

The article has been updated
Mar 2, 2023
Eh, it's a spin-off which I wouldn't put in the mainline series. Think Fallout 3 - Fallout New Vegas - Fallout 4.

There isn't really any consensus on what we're calling it until we get a proper title from Bioware. Some sites are going with 4, some with 5. I'd rather forget about Andromeda, so 4 for us haha.

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