<p>Did anyone catch 60 Minutes last night? For me, it was very cool to see a segment on the space program and the idea of moving toward real research on the moon and humans going to Mars. I feel a particular kinship with the mission to the moon in 1969, which left on my 1st birthday (yes, now you know my age!). The segment approached a number of topics already in the forums, so instead of cross-posting, I thought I'd start a discussion on this 60 Minutes show and concepts presented. Freel free to take elements of this discussion elsewhere. </p><p>The Next Giant Leap For Mankind<br /><em>60 Minutes Reports On NASA's Plans To Return Men To The Moon In Preparation For A Manned Flight To Mars</em> </p><p>It's crazy that at one point, we spent a good amount on the space program, now it's pennies. This boggles my mind:</p><p><em>During the 1960s, 4 percent of the entire national budget was spent on space. Today one-sixth of 1 percent goes to NASA. <br /><br />"The average American’s bill, if you will, for the space program, is 15 cents per person, per day," says Griffin. "I don’t know about you, but I spend more than that on bubble gum." </em> </p><p>One thing that startled me was that the rovers were only supposed to last a few months, but they've lastede 4 YEARS. That is impressive.</p><p>They also talked about housing on the moon. Housing where one doesn't need to be in a spacesuit all the time, but in "short sleeves." To me, this is science fiction, but way cool. Can you imagine living on the moon? </p><p>Anyway, that link above will take you to a transcript and a video of the segment. Would love to hear what you think.</p><p>-dh </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#3366ff">doublehelix, Community Manager<br />Imaginova </font></p> </div>