If you can't explain it here, I'm not going there.
Xiangqian Zhang, a native of LuJiang town, Anhui Province, China, male, farmer, junior high school level, born in 1967.
Contacted extraterrestrial civilisations in the summer of 1985 and obtained from them the essential mysteries of the universe, time, space, mass, charge, field, speed of light, momentum, energy, force, motion.
Obtained the Great Unification Equation of the Universe, which puts the four forces of the Universe into one equation, and obtained the secrets of the core of the Universe, the Unified Field Theory, the Information Field Theory of the Universe Space, the secrets of the Light Speed Flying Saucer, and the artificial field scanning technology, and so on.
The first test in the world to discover that changing electromagnetic fields produce gravitational fields.
He now lives in Erlong New Street, Tongda Township, Lujiang town, where he earns a living by welding and repairing bicycles, and spends his spare time researching and propagating the Unified Field Theory theory and the artificial field scanning technology.