Jul 26, 2023
So about these UAPs. I guess these must be real otherwise why would people risk their necks telling a lie directly to congress. I actually believe so many people cannot lie, my only problem is with the explanation of these UAPs.

David Grusch suggests these are just possibly advanced civilizations/species of our own planet living in the hiding. Other suggest these could be actual aliens.

My only problem with both these explanations is that, if this was true, why is it just largely an American phenomenon, and mainly a western phenomenon? Why have non in the far more populated east of the earth map ever witnessed those high quality experiences experienced by the likes of Ryan Graves?

Isn't it more plausible that perhaps the US has made some quantum leaps in tech which they are hiding (understandably) and testing by sending them off into airspaces of their own forces? These UAps are not the first time we have heard about such flying crafts. Many of ancient sanskrit texts talk of such crafts (can't be coincidence), and I heard told once that an ancient text discovered in a Monastery in Tibet speaking of anti gravity architecture was hushed and shipped off/stolen to a secret library in the US. Isn't this more possible than extradimensional beings and aliens who seem to prefer the North America more than any place else on earth?
Lying to congress is not a risk, it's a profession. People are paid for it. Several dozen of our most acclaimed security professionals swore to congress, the media and the American people that the laptop was a Russian plant. For years. Do you really believe that they believe this?

Would you say that was a lie. And they are still proud of this deceit. Maybe that don't count.

I could sit here all day and remind you of the lies to congress and the American people. Covid is just one of thousands of examples.

Congress and the findings and testimony to/of it.......is a cartoon. The DNC is insane and the RNC are cowards. It will remain a cartoon.

UAPs are just a trinket, to keep you from thinking about the real problems we have. It let's you think that congress is concerned and is doing something. And they do. They put our great grandchildren in debt. The young think this is normal American life now.

It's a dog and pony show. It's real purpose is funding for another useless FEAR program.

It's these kind of activities that will be our downfall, not climate, and not an UFO invasion.

But in today's would.......many are waiting for the un-veiling of the US Space Force Craft-------USSS(United States Space Ship) ENTERPRISE. That and the Vulcan Ambassador will be introduced shortly.
If you say you saw a UFO, no one can prove you didn't. If you tell Congress "So and so told me they have frozen bodies in storage" and that conversation actually occurred, then the person is telling the truth. Doesn't prove there were any bodies though.
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UAP's likely have a multitude of causes.
1) Private balloons, unregistered, no tracking device.
2) Venus
3) Atmospheric optical phenomena
4) Clouds
5) Airplane landing lights
6) Meteors and returning space junk
7) Lies - attempting to "get in the news", "be popular", "mess with folks".
8) Innocent observations totally blown out of proportion by the telling
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Thank you Billslugg. I am in UK at local time 04.19 watching/listening to 1976 music. Kate Bush, Wuthering Heights . . . . . . et ali.
How about Unbelievable Astronomical Paranormals?

Cat :)


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
For some reason, my footnote got curtailed.

This is where it originated:

Science begets knowledge; opinion, ignorance.​

A-Z Quotes
https://www.azquotes.com › Authors › H › Hippocrates

Science begets knowledge; opinion, ignorance. - Hippocrates quotes at AZquotes.com.

Hippocrates - There are in fact two things, science and...​

https://www.brainyquote.com › ... › Hippocrates Quotes

There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. Hippocrates · Knowledge Science Ignorance Opinion ...

Cat :)
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Jul 26, 2023
@Catastrophe by UAPs I mean the kind experienced by David Fravor AND HIS ENTIRE FLOTILA OF NAVY SHIPS WITH THEIR ADVANCED SENSORS.

@billslugg Forget about Grusch saying he "heard" say someone say this or that. Fact is the American government is saying that they have highly advanced tracking systems on multiple platform together showing these flying "things" doing unbelievable maneuvers, and the said unbelievable maneuvers are confirmed for by 4 sets of eyes in FA18s.

Now either David Fravor, the other three sets of eyes, the pictures, the radar footages from four highly advanced military platforms have all been cooked up, or it is real.

If it all is cooked up, few questions arise...
  1. first question is why?
  2. the second question is, whatever the reason, can the authority behind this cook up actually get away by lying to country?
  3. What is the incentive in it for retired folks to take part in lying to government? Just money would do it?
  4. Obviously other governments are watching it, don't they get curious whether its just a cook up or something really interesting is going on?
If it is not a cook up...
  1. Again, why the hell these crafts, whatever they are, go only to USA.
  2. Why have advanced sensors in other countries assets, like (I'll not name Russia), China and India (which are thanfully, for the sake of non-partiality, not into the US allies list), catch these crafts or their pilots see them in their territories.
  3. Why have any of the space agencies never noticed them, be it NASA, be it ISRO, be it ESA, be it ROSCOSMOS, be it whatever the Chinese have?
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Jul 26, 2023
@Classical Motion really? You can get away with lying to Congress. I didn't know that, I'm not American, but I had read in the news that lying to your congress is a punishable offence.

I'm just surprised by all this. Maybe our tech in India is not as sophisticated as that of the US, but its definitely sophisticated enough to catch a football field sized red cube (Ryan Graves testimony) were that to enter our airspace as they "apparently" enter your airspaces so often. Any bloody engineering student with an Arduino even in the jungles of Namibia can build a radar to catch something that big.
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In my paranoid opinion, I believe the UAP hearings are being held now for a hidden purpose. Of course all watching are talking about the validity of these claims. Just like everybody is suppose to. The deep state wants everybody taking about it....they want a big stink about it.

This is because there is no confirming evidence. And there will be a lot of accusations. Bad blood established. And no justifiable results found or questions answered. It will demonstrate how incompetent and easy it is to present questionable testimony to congress.

As for UFOs themselves.....I don't believe anything the government or the press tell me. About anything.

UFO...?....show me.

But I'm paranoid.
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Jul 26, 2023
In my paranoid opinion, I believe the UAP hearings are being held now for a hidden purpose. Of course all watching are talking about the validity of these claims. Just like everybody is suppose to. The deep state wants everybody taking about it....they want a big stink about it.

This is because there is no confirming evidence. And there will be a lot of accusations. Bad blood established. And no justifiable results found or questions answered. It will demonstrate how incompetent and easy it is to present questionable testimony to congress.

As for UFOs themselves.....I don't believe anything the government or the press tell me. About anything.

UFO...?....show me.

But I'm paranoid.
exactly. There is something very fishy about all this.

For one, none of those tic tac videos show the crafts doing anything like what is described of their capabilities.
Two, congressman Gaetz says he has seen an "image" which he could not attach to human capability. Any kid with Adobe photoshop can create pics which go beyond human capabilities. So somehow when everything on this pilot's (who took the pic) plane was jammed, the still shot camera were allowed by the little green men to work?
Three, what does it even mean that aliens Jam their radars and sensors? Any engineer worth his salt knows sensors are not just jammed just like that. You need to know exactly what you are jamming, how the communication is happening, what is the design architecture, which links to disturb or disconnect entirely, and its still not cakewalk. And even electronic warfare has countermeasures, alternative recourses etc etc. Are these guys saying the UFOs have intel on the bandwidths, and sensor/electronic architecture, and whatnot being used by these platforms? It smells seriously of BS. Make it sound so simple, appears more like a job by Dumbledore than aliens.

And I agree. UFO? Show me too. Loads of words being tossed around, no data.
You can get put into prison for lying to Congress. But first we have to prove you lied. You can never prove a negative. You cannot prove that the witness did not see a UFO, ET being, whatever.
The case can only be proven affirmatively and that evidence is always coming tomorrow.
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Aug 14, 2020
There is no proof anywhere in any of our vehicles of reverse engineering alien technologies. Maybe because we haven't reverse engineered power sources, but still....

Lie detector tests can only prove negatives when the person knows he is deliberately lying and can't fool the test. Too many earnestly believe what they saw -- and thus pass tests -- even if and when they didn't see what they earnestly thought they saw. The hardest to deal with are camera, including video, and radar, shots not grainy at all . . . and trustworthy pros. Those always heavily grainy and/or unfocused pictures and videos are for the ignorant, and for fools.
Here is how an assertion might have started:
- At Area 51, the "Test Dummy Crew" works in Hangar #X, and keeps the unused mannequins in a pile and calls them affectionately "Aliens" upon whom they must "operate" in order to install electrical wire connectors.
- A worker from across the base is being toured on a new airplane that happens to be in that hangar.
- He overhears a discussion about operating on aliens and catches a glimpse of some bodies in a pile.
- He is told NEVER to discuss ANYTHING he saw in that hangar.
- The rest is history.
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Jul 26, 2023
Now I don't care if its even Jesus Christ who says UAPS are real, humans must follow the scientific way and not believe anyone's words until there is evidence.

I think USA (if not the world) has a simple problem. There are professional folks of some standing saying UAPs exist and they have seen them. Now only two things are possible, 1. They are lying, 2. They are not lying.

If they are not lying, no one has any business hiding such knowledge, the public must get their hands on this knowledge. If they are lying, then a lot of money and valuable government (and ours) time is being taken for nothing, which is reason enough for some punishment. Either way I hope this reaches some conclusion and closure.

P.S. Anyways, if UAPs do exist and folks working on them have an ear out...guys just hire me. You offered Greer 2Bn, I'll just take 1 and never ever blow any whistle as long as I'm allowed in the thick of it. Cheers.
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Jun 13, 2023
So about these UAPs. I guess these must be real otherwise why would people risk their necks telling a lie directly to congress. I actually believe so many people cannot lie, my only problem is with the explanation of these UAPs.

David Grusch suggests these are just possibly advanced civilizations/species of our own planet living in the hiding. Other suggest these could be actual aliens.

My only problem with both these explanations is that, if this was true, why is it just largely an American phenomenon, and mainly a western phenomenon? Why have non in the far more populated east of the earth map ever witnessed those high quality experiences experienced by the likes of Ryan Graves?

Isn't it more plausible that perhaps the US has made some quantum leaps in tech which they are hiding (understandably) and testing by sending them off into airspaces of their own forces? These UAps are not the first time we have heard about such flying crafts. Many of ancient sanskrit texts talk of such crafts (can't be coincidence), and I heard told once that an ancient text discovered in a Monastery in Tibet speaking of anti gravity architecture was hushed and shipped off/stolen to a secret library in the US. Isn't this more possible than extradimensional beings and aliens who seem to prefer the North America more than any place else on earth?
This gentleman helped me understand what has been the most current UAP videos as his explanations seem realistic: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/tec...r&cvid=611b86314ec2495291967a2b8d7bca9a&ei=14
Or this one is better on youtube:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le7Fqbsrrm8
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I can't fine anything new on that link, and when I try the link's video link, all I get is a page of several dozen videos. Which video is it?

I would love to here the pentagon's explanations, or any of the expert opinions, but have never heard or read of any. All I read is just the hype around it. That golden ball was pretty neat, but I wouldn't say it was alien. And I see absolutely nothing convincing in those navy tapes. I don't see what everyone else sees evidently. There is no reference on those tapes. Looking at clouds. Everyone sees what they want to.

I don't believe it, so I don't see it. New physics. Physics takes faith I don't have.

Shoot one down and show me the innards. I believe old physics.
The video is a few paragraphs down but don't click on the body of the video, that only leads you to a whole bunch of unrelated videos. Click on the little arrow lower left of the screen, that will start the movie. Ads come first. 11 minutes long but worth it.
I wonder about the language. "Dude, wouldja' look at that!"... I mean, really.
This is NOT how they do it in the movies.

Whatever happened to:
"Fox Trot 1 to Lazy Boy 3, am observing FLIR object 11 o'clock low, vector, victor" ?
A sudden turn to the left occurs at 5:32. The FLIR camera is tracking a weather balloon at night. It is locked on and the pilot then toggles through three camera modes. During that switch the camera lost its lock. We can tell it is the camera moving because of the camera azimuth number at top of screen changing.

It looks just like the UAP is going at high speed because the clouds underneath are moving. This is only a parallax effect.
It looks like the UAP made a 90° turn but that is the camera moving suddenly.

The "90° Turn" thing is competely busted.
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Sep 27, 2023
You ask why these things are only seen in America , or by the US military, but that's simply not true , no disrespect, but they are seen in Russia, China , south America , the UK and Europe , all over the globe and even in space .
And ommumumua has returned , which is baffling the science community.
Only human hubris , assumes we are alone in the universe .
As a species that is making strides towards being able to fly further and faster Into space , could be a threat to more peaceful civilizations, with our nuclear technology, a threat to our world like no other .
Scientists told us , that our nuclear technology, threatens worlds previously unknown to us , and may even threaten, other realities and universes .
And remember the US government has funded huge programs in South America to find out all they know , and see .
And while it's clear that the US has mastered anti gravity, proven in a famous court case , called the cash landren incident .
Where eye witnesses where irradiated , by a craft that had no wings , or signs of propulsion and was being escorted or so it seemed by military helicopters.
The craft was silent and dropping molten metal .
The witnesses as it turned out suffered radiation sickness , that ultimately became cancer and they lost their lives . Their son continues the fight against the US government, despite the previous case being thrown out, for lack of proof it was American .
So while yes a lot of sightings occur in America , remember that one, America has a huge array of nuclear facilities, but reports in adversary nations all very much like reports in America .
Show that this is a global thing .
And sooner or later the truth will come out .
"And while it's clear that the US has mastered anti gravity, proven in a famous court case , called the cash landren incident ." - Prometheus.

Cash-Landrum incident:
Two ladies mistook a very bright Canopus for a UFO. They then proceded to incur illnesses, as many people do. They blamed it on the UFO, sued in court and lost..

There are numerous points in the story that don't add up.
- They claim they could feel the heat from the UFO as they were driving along. Infrared cannot go through glass.
- They claim upon getting back in their car the metal was too hot to touch. If the UFO was that bright in the infrared, they would be dead.

They sued the US Government for $20M. Nothing they claimed could be verified. The case was thrown out of federal court Aug 21, 1986 for lack of evidence.


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