Hey! I finally did it.... for those of you who were with me when I wanted to see the ring nebula, I finally found it! It looked like a hazy circle no matter how I focused. Wasn't it M57? There aren't any other nebula/galaxies in Lyra in that area that I know of. I also found M13. I was never so happy! <br /><br />Anyways, back on topic. I guess the first question would be when the moon rises right now. I live in Indiana if that helps. I haven't seen the moon for days now, and for some reason I feel empty if I don't see it every once in awhile, not to mention to try out my barlow on it.<br /><br />The second question I have is, what are some free software downloads for sky charts or anything related to astronomy? Are there any mars/moon globes, or maybe something along the lines of Starry Night Backyard?<br /><br />Thanks for all of your help!<br /><br />Eric