Hi, KelvinZero (would you mind if I called you KZ?), <br /><br />I was thinking more about this design as I took my shower this "morning" (which is actually afternoon, as I work nights). I am fairly certain that this device would only collect a few grams an orbit at most, and the orbital period would be about 90 minutes, give or take, so it would complete about 16 orbits each day. That doesn't matter terribly much regarding the collection itself, as we could let the collector orbit for years. I don't know how fast it must gather oxygen to reach economic break-even. As far as our design is concerned, it is easier to compensate for deceleration if the collection at a low rate. Of course, we probably want the highest rate we can get, as that is our ROI!<br /><br />So, we launch this into orbit. It probably can collect more particles at 100 km than at a stable orbit of 183 km, so we would like to find a way for it to orbit at 100 km, at least some of the time. But, the craft that is going to use the bottled particles probably isn't going to stop at a 100 km orbit to p/u supplies. I'm guessing that the customer is going want to pick up supplies inside a stable orbit, meaning, above 183 km. This is another reason for the collector to have an elliptical orbit. <br /><br />So, the collector spends 15 minutes or so of each orbit at 100 km altitude, firing its engines to maintain velocity. This is still a high vacuum region, so gas laws don't exactly apply; the atmosphere acts like particles. Then, the collector swings up to, say, 200 km altitude, where a waiting craft wants its supplies. The collector could either fire its engines to come into a circular orbit at 200 km, or the waiting craft could grab the collector and bring it up to velocity (quite a jolt, I would expect), or both. Either that, or the waiting craft would have to grab the supplies from the collector in the brief moment the two meet. Timing would be important in any event. <br /><br />I imagine that very strong grap