Regarding the Iapetan equator, we see two general 'forms', (neglecting crater damage) a highly organized and symmetrical 'wedge ramp' and somewhat disorganized 'piles'.<br /><br />How does this 'jibe' with looking at these forms in regards to emplaced ringage?<br /><br />We can imagine a disorganized 'mess' of debris in orbit about Iapetus as a result of a glancing impactor collapsing to the Laplacian plane. This is established science, Laplace having worked this out a very long time ago.<br /><br />Upon establishment of the planar form of debris in orbit over the equator, the dynamical ring spreading process asserts itself. Again, this is established science, (refer to the Planetary Rings chapter in The New Solar System) angular momentum is transported radially across the breadth of the ring plane by (gentle) collisions amongst the constituent ring particles in adjacent orbits. The effect lowers the low edge of the ring system towards the surface, and lofts the high edge towards the Roche limit. This process is 'slow', however. <br /><br />Iapetus, uniquely isolated among the solar systems major satellites, is well protected against gravitational tidal effects of other bodies, and the longevity of the ring system is assured for long enough such that it evolves to a the final state we see today.<br /><br />Upon commencement of the spreading process, the low edge of the ring system slowly descends towards the surface. A key point to understanding the eventual disposition of these materials, is to understand the amount of contraction of the lowest circle of the ring is much less than the average radius of the ring paricles themselves per orbit.<br /><br />In 2 hours 55 minutes, the drop might be millimeters, but realize the particles size might be 1 meter or more.<br /><br />Now contemplate the ring lowering towards the absolute highest spot along it's equatorial ground track. On a given orbit, a specific particle might clear the high spot by 1 millimeter. In this case, the particl <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>