Astronomers spy record-breaking eruption on young sunlike star

I note in the report, "The outburst is about 10 times more powerful than anything similar seen from our sun... In the new study, the researchers analyzed EK Draconis, a star located about 111 light-years from Earth. EK Draconis is a yellow dwarf like the sun, but is much younger at only 50 million to 125 million years old. "It's what our sun looked like 4.5 billion years ago," Notsu said in the statement."

Comparison to our Sun some 4.5 billion years ago is a common theme reported. Here is another example.

'When the Sun was Young: A Multi-frequency Study of the Young Solar Analog HD 129333 (= EK Dra)',, May 2001. "EK Draconis (HD 129333; V = 7.50 mag; G1 V; B-V = +0.61) is a very young (near ZAMS), single solar type star with a rotational period of P ~ 2.7 days. The space motions of EK Dra show it to be a probable member of the Pleiades Moving Group implying an age of ~ 70 Myr. Providing a look-back of the Sun shortly after its arrival on the Zero-Age Main Sequence some 4.5 Gyr ago, EK Dra is one of the youngest solar-type stars on our "Sun in Time" Program."

My observation. Since the days of the telescope going back now some 400 years, we do not see our Sun spinning with a 2.7 day rotation period or a Faint Young Sun. Showing the Sun existed like this is difficult to establish.


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