"Demon" particles! As the hunt has gone on for the fifth fundamental force, I've been reducing the fundamental four to a more fundamental two and wanting to make the final cut, the final reduction of four and two, to the final, the singularity, of the most fundamental seventh FORCE. The apex of the pyramid (four to two, to one = seven) Life FORCE of the universe.
Physicists and cosmologists, from before Einstein (Newton among the predecessor Greeks, Romans, and so many others) to Einstein and Hawking, to Penrose, and Sc-Fi's George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, among that group, and more have gone there. I'm going to follow, but not here. I think I will do my bit in following up on the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and Chinese, Einstein, Hawking, Penrose, and Lucas, in the thread "Exploring Ancient Alien Civilizations: Timeless Echos Across the Cosmos," with possible future follow-ups elsewhere, if the one works out (is allowed to work out (use of the word, and long historical concept of, "demon," as well as past and present addressing of Lucas' tongue-in-cheek "Midi-Chlorions" of the 'FORCE' suggests yes)).