http://www.space.com/news/051021_budget_fight.html<br /><br />...Particularly for American SDC members. You guys have got to fight for your space program's budget. Anybody here who DOESN'T think we're in some kind of war for the future of manned spaceflight, think again. SDC members need to unite and not bicker over why SSTO or CATS might be better than ESAS or why tether and anti-gravity should get all of Nasa and the military's budget!!<br /><br />People here keep pushing long-dead barrows like the Venturestar and flavor-of-the-month exotic paper spaceplane designs, when instead they should be discussing how to all unite and get behind getting America's behind off the Earth and moving forward. There's got to be more to this forum than arguing over his or her paper spaceship fantasies. Help Nasa get the Shuttles flying again then equally help it start bringing the Shuttle era to an end and moving forward!!! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!! LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>