Ok... I know more outlandish forces at work...<br /><br />Ok How about this for ideas....<br /><br /><br /><br />CEV Spiral 1:<br />Crew 4 minimum 6 maximum. Size longer length and breadth than the apollo CM and CSM but lighter with more habitation space and better systems (aka more robust).<br /><br />Can/Will launch with 5 meter faring on the Delta IV Heavy and Atlas 5 Heavy.<br /><br />Optional: Launch on a Titan IVB Heavy with 5 Meter faring.<br /><br />Optional: Launch on a STS Stack. x1 modified ET with twin RS-68 motors, x2 5seg SRBs, or x1 ET with twin expendible RS-68 motors on a new cannister (like Shuttle-C) in lieu of Shuttle.<br /><br /><br />CEV: Spiral 2<br />CEV can only be launched on a HLV such as Magnum or STS-2. The CEV is launched unmanned and is also the landing craft for the Mars Mission. It itself must also mate and carry added fuel and supplies from another STS-2 launch.<br /><br /><br /><br />CEV's first manned capsule/module should be built in numbers. A minimum of 10 CM can be built for around less than 15 million each. Ok maybe the price of an F-16 or less which is what.... About 15 million or so...<br /><br />Anyways I can't see why NASA needs so much time to develop the first CEV. It should be built to be upgradeable and reusable and either built as a capsule or like the X-38/X-37 liftybody style but a lil bit larger.<br /><br />I think you could add a parafoil to a capsule too though it would look funky right...<br /><br /><br />Several capsules could have been built in the last 2 years if they would have took this stuff seriously. They could have diverted 30-50 million to build an augumented rescue craft not associated with the CEV program to be launched on the Titan, Delta, or Atlas heavy Launchers. But did they do this? No. Did they prepose this. I highly doubt they did as well...<br /><br /><br />So we have to wait till summer before the designs start coming in right? Or is in another 2-5 years before we see anything in the progress of CEV.<br /><br /><br />I hat