I know I have a lot of theories but I hope you do not mind me wanting input from others. I like to re read all my posts and I even discovered 2 things I was theorizing about is somewhat possible.
In my chemistry theory gravity is a factor but not a constant due to the emf and temperature of earth. Examples to support my theory are the earths average temperature in January is 55 degrees Fahrenheit while in July it is 62 degrees Fahrenheit.
I believe the interactions between the suns emf and the earths emf speed up the planet in summer when it drifts far enough off for winter the suns GRAVITY now comes into play and pulls it back to summer. I know the time variance of night and day are due to tilt but I also suggest it is from a slower working earths emf interaction with the suns emf.
I believe EMFs create atmospheres therefore when scientists are theorizing a heavy core it could indeed just be a really hot core reactor creating a lot of emf. This example can be given by the moons of Jupiter that have volcanoes but not enough mass for an atmosphere. Although you could consider its liquid oceans “thought to be” atmospheric conditions for life.
I theorize that the earths emf has a strong factor in making it rain. Besides the sun evaporation and solar storms. This could be due to faster atmospheric particles moving the further away you get. The faster moving particles although more space out are still there. These fast moving particles block vapor from escaping our atmosphere. Or at least the emf creates air currents that cause hydro discharge.
When you place a magnet near dust to see the emf vortex you will notice the once on the outside have to move the most but probably with the same amount of energy. Meaning by the surface you can move 1000 pounds 1 mile while a mile in the air 1 pound moves 1 mile.
Just like a magnet has little pull far away it has stronger pull up close. My theory involves the far way pull magnetic particles moving faster than the ones closer together. The reason you do not see the faster pull because it has dissipated from 100 to 1 just like if you draw lines moving outward from a circle you get more and more room between the lines as the lines keep going. Sorry for ranting gibberish
I know it’s half gibberish and I will try to clear up my thoughts if I can. It’s been a sleepless night of technology research.
Long story short I believe by studying a stars light and intensity and size all know facts, we will be able to locate planets by strategically placing cameras pointed with objects in the background. If I were playing investigator I would say it’s been a crazy age of science and space discoveries. But there are probably planets around every star, we just have to find them. With this theory you could locate planets judging off how the star is positioned or moving.
Because I believe emfs create the galaxies peaceful perpetual motion each star would have an emf vortex that we could assume have planets after a good enough scientific method to locate these planets
In my chemistry theory gravity is a factor but not a constant due to the emf and temperature of earth. Examples to support my theory are the earths average temperature in January is 55 degrees Fahrenheit while in July it is 62 degrees Fahrenheit.
I believe the interactions between the suns emf and the earths emf speed up the planet in summer when it drifts far enough off for winter the suns GRAVITY now comes into play and pulls it back to summer. I know the time variance of night and day are due to tilt but I also suggest it is from a slower working earths emf interaction with the suns emf.
I believe EMFs create atmospheres therefore when scientists are theorizing a heavy core it could indeed just be a really hot core reactor creating a lot of emf. This example can be given by the moons of Jupiter that have volcanoes but not enough mass for an atmosphere. Although you could consider its liquid oceans “thought to be” atmospheric conditions for life.
I theorize that the earths emf has a strong factor in making it rain. Besides the sun evaporation and solar storms. This could be due to faster atmospheric particles moving the further away you get. The faster moving particles although more space out are still there. These fast moving particles block vapor from escaping our atmosphere. Or at least the emf creates air currents that cause hydro discharge.
When you place a magnet near dust to see the emf vortex you will notice the once on the outside have to move the most but probably with the same amount of energy. Meaning by the surface you can move 1000 pounds 1 mile while a mile in the air 1 pound moves 1 mile.
Just like a magnet has little pull far away it has stronger pull up close. My theory involves the far way pull magnetic particles moving faster than the ones closer together. The reason you do not see the faster pull because it has dissipated from 100 to 1 just like if you draw lines moving outward from a circle you get more and more room between the lines as the lines keep going. Sorry for ranting gibberish
I know it’s half gibberish and I will try to clear up my thoughts if I can. It’s been a sleepless night of technology research.
Long story short I believe by studying a stars light and intensity and size all know facts, we will be able to locate planets by strategically placing cameras pointed with objects in the background. If I were playing investigator I would say it’s been a crazy age of science and space discoveries. But there are probably planets around every star, we just have to find them. With this theory you could locate planets judging off how the star is positioned or moving.
Because I believe emfs create the galaxies peaceful perpetual motion each star would have an emf vortex that we could assume have planets after a good enough scientific method to locate these planets