Nov 4, 2024
I know I have a lot of theories but I hope you do not mind me wanting input from others. I like to re read all my posts and I even discovered 2 things I was theorizing about is somewhat possible.

In my chemistry theory gravity is a factor but not a constant due to the emf and temperature of earth. Examples to support my theory are the earths average temperature in January is 55 degrees Fahrenheit while in July it is 62 degrees Fahrenheit.

I believe the interactions between the suns emf and the earths emf speed up the planet in summer when it drifts far enough off for winter the suns GRAVITY now comes into play and pulls it back to summer. I know the time variance of night and day are due to tilt but I also suggest it is from a slower working earths emf interaction with the suns emf.

I believe EMFs create atmospheres therefore when scientists are theorizing a heavy core it could indeed just be a really hot core reactor creating a lot of emf. This example can be given by the moons of Jupiter that have volcanoes but not enough mass for an atmosphere. Although you could consider its liquid oceans “thought to be” atmospheric conditions for life.

I theorize that the earths emf has a strong factor in making it rain. Besides the sun evaporation and solar storms. This could be due to faster atmospheric particles moving the further away you get. The faster moving particles although more space out are still there. These fast moving particles block vapor from escaping our atmosphere. Or at least the emf creates air currents that cause hydro discharge.

When you place a magnet near dust to see the emf vortex you will notice the once on the outside have to move the most but probably with the same amount of energy. Meaning by the surface you can move 1000 pounds 1 mile while a mile in the air 1 pound moves 1 mile.

Just like a magnet has little pull far away it has stronger pull up close. My theory involves the far way pull magnetic particles moving faster than the ones closer together. The reason you do not see the faster pull because it has dissipated from 100 to 1 just like if you draw lines moving outward from a circle you get more and more room between the lines as the lines keep going. Sorry for ranting gibberish

I know it’s half gibberish and I will try to clear up my thoughts if I can. It’s been a sleepless night of technology research.

Long story short I believe by studying a stars light and intensity and size all know facts, we will be able to locate planets by strategically placing cameras pointed with objects in the background. If I were playing investigator I would say it’s been a crazy age of science and space discoveries. But there are probably planets around every star, we just have to find them. With this theory you could locate planets judging off how the star is positioned or moving.

Because I believe emfs create the galaxies peaceful perpetual motion each star would have an emf vortex that we could assume have planets after a good enough scientific method to locate these planets
Nov 4, 2024
In this chemistry theory I believe as it advances there will be similarities between stars being formed at the center bh and planets formed from a sun.

Theoretically when a star is giving off billions of tons of solar power. The sun is actually losing battery life but as it does it collapses on itself where a geyser or solar flare is formed.

This chemistry theory would involve the center bh losing mass due to star formation. As the black hole keeps gaining mass it collapses to geyser out an entire star in a black hole star formation flare. The reason the stars drift from the center is due to strong rotating emfs that push off each other. that eventually cool weakening the gravity effect.
Nov 4, 2024
Here is an example of magnets emf splitting on the far end. I believe this is due to the phenomenon that it creates pressure variations of magnetic particles much like an atmosphere where up high the wind is stronger like far away from a magnet the current would be longer but theoretically faster and weaker. I believe what I am trying to say is how the fast moving particles of the earths emf creates rain.


Its probably already done but it all has to do with perpetual motion of mass and explosions for the chemistry theory to actually bring matter at rest back to a cycle.
Nov 4, 2024
I did some google searches. Lightning is created from opposite charges of clouds. I find this to be right but without the earths emf or natural voltage there would be no lightning. You can recreate lightning using coils but not smoke. Forest fires are known to lightning but I believe the cloud is an insulator for the emf that is why the high thick clouds produce lightning because the earths natural emf creates the fastest moving magnetic parties at top.

I believe this theory can be tested in a controlled air tank with thick fog or smoke and a really strong emf. If the smoke carries electricity from one side to the other we could assume that clouds build up charge at that length from the earths magnetic field.
Nov 4, 2024
If a coil can produce a bolt through a cloud then how much initial electricity would we need to start a lightning reaction. I would guess you could calculate the thickness of a cloud and how high up it is versus how much lightning and rain it produces.

If we can figure out how to re create natural lighting I feel like we will be able to terraform a planet better and even improve agriculture. I know I’m just ranting at this point but how cool does a lightning gun sound?

I am curious how much electricity can you get out of 1 copper penny?
Nov 4, 2024
The position of the cloud in the earths emf would matter as well because the fast moving current will travel from up high to down low picking up speed and electrons from the insulated cloud.
Nov 4, 2024
When storm clouds are high up they are exposed to emf pressure speeds that their magnetic particles actually travel down the cloud creating a flair of current back down to the ground. The giant cloud act acts as a current for my theorized driving force of emfs lightning and rain.
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Nov 4, 2024
Water is not a good conductor due to lack of ions well clouds can layer up to the ionosphere where ions necessary to be obtained to mix with water will conduct a current of electricity
Nov 4, 2024
Black holes forming larger near the center of the galaxy help support this theory. I was talking with a chat bot so I could be mistaken.

I theorize that the supermassive black hole collects the most space dust but when an object gets far enough away it starts collecting the most dark matter”or frozen shrank particles” in its area and becomes a smaller black hole while continuing to move in the central bh EMF then when lighter stars keep moving past the black hole the black holes get smaller and smaller as you go away from the center black hole.

This theory is simply stating that all this frozen space smoke accumulates at the points of strongest gravity that drift slower away from the center black hole
Jan 6, 2025
Simple answer - NO.

The seasons of Earth are not caused by the orbital path of Earth, the distance from the Sun is a secondary influence not the primary. The primary cause of seasons on Earth is the axial tilt of the planet that changes the angle a given location has on the surface of the planet to the Sun, where this varies slightly is the disatnce between the Sun and the Earth over the course of its almost, but not quite, circular orbit.

The Aphelion point, when Earth is furthest from the Sun, of Earth's orbit actually corresponds to the Summer Solstice Solstice (~June 21st) and the Perihelion point, when Earth is closest to the Sun, in Earth's orbit happens to correspond to the Winter Solstice (December 21st). That may sound counter intuitive, but the Solstices are reversed for those south of the Equator, so the start of the thier summer correspends to the perihelion point (closest) and the aphelion(furthest) correspeonds to the start of their winter. The eccentricity of Earth's orbit, as small as that eccentricity is, also accounts for why summers in the northern hemisphere are, on average, around 4.5 days longer than winter, the opposite is true in the southern hemisphere.

This changes over geological time, and is known a precession, where the aphelion and perihelion point move around the orbit over, if I recall correctly, about 26,000 years, but there is also a 41,000 year cycle that also impacts this and is linked to something called Obliquity, and this is the angle the Earth rotates on its axis. This varies from 22.1° and 24.5° with respect to Earth’s orbital plane over this 41,000 year cycle, currently Earth is about half way thorugh this cycle with the angle actually reducing back toward the minimum of ~22.1°.

I could write a really long post on this topic, but I do not believe in reinventing the wheel, so why not take a look at a page NASA created to explain all these changes that impact climate and orbital characteritistic over time - they are called Milancovish Cycles, named for the Serbian mathematician and geophysicist Milutin Milankovitch (1879 - 1958) who developed the mathematical theory of climate that explains these cycles.

Nov 4, 2024
The axial tilt is old news to me. I know the earth is not a perfect sphere but if it was I’d question you’re intelligence if you think you can tilt a circle or sphere


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