$cientology Trek: Cruise Short Listed for Next Trek Film

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Stick a fork in the franchise, it's done.<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>That's the latest rumour, as the WENN entertainment news service reported, citing an "insider" who told the Canadian TV Guide, "He didn't even need to be begged to appear in it." <br /><br />Cruise is reportedly a big fan of Star Trek, but then, many other stories are flying about Cruise today. Hundreds of reports have surfaced that Cruise and fiancée Katie Holmes will marry next month in Italy (here is ABC's story), and TrekMovie.com has a link to Monday's Variety story about numerous other roles Cruise may be considering. <br /><br />Meanwhile, Ron Moore has announced that he approves of Abrams as producer of the next Star Trek film. The UK's Star Trek Magazine (via TrekWeb) quoted former Trek producer Moore - now the creative force behind Battlestar Galactica - as saying that Abrams' selection is probably good for the franchise.<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote>I was seriously doubting that I'd be wanting to see whatever was going to come out of Trek next, and if it <i>is</i> something with Cruise, I am so <b>not</b> there!<br />


Whaaaaaaat?<br /><br />I heard something earlier about Matt Damon being in it (supposedly it'll be a prequal about Kirk and Spock during their accademy years). I could kinda see Damon being in it, he actually looks a bit like a young Shatner (and has about the same acting ability too <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> ). But Tom Cruse? I'm sorry, I just can't see him getting anywhere within a 50 mile radius of ST. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><em>So, again we are defeated. This victory belongs to the farmers, not us.</em></p><p><strong>-Kambei Shimada from the movie Seven Samurai</strong></p> </div>


If the Cruise character is hideously killed, perhaps turned inside out in a transporter accident, or stuffed bodily into a waste orifice on some enormous mutant behemoth . . . .<br /><br /><br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


Wait! Wait!<br /><br />I have it!<br /><br />A <i><b>placenta</b></i> eats Tom Cruise!<br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


[PistolPete would like to reply, however, his gag reflexes keep kicking in everytime he thinks about Tom Cruse and placenta at the same time] <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><em>So, again we are defeated. This victory belongs to the farmers, not us.</em></p><p><strong>-Kambei Shimada from the movie Seven Samurai</strong></p> </div>


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>But Tom Cruse? I'm sorry, I just can't see him getting anywhere within a 50 mile radius of ST. <p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br /><br />Your kidding right? Tom Cruise is heavily into Scientology. ST would definately be something that he would love. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#ffff00"><p><font color="#3366ff">I have an answer for everything...you may not like the answer or it may not satisfy your curiosity..but it will still be an answer.</font> <br /><font color="#ff0000">"Imagination is more important then Knowledge" ~Albert Einstien~</font> <br /><font color="#cc99ff">Guns dont kill people. People kill people</font>.</p></font><p><font color="#ff6600">Solar System</font></p> </div>


PistolPete says {doesnt say}: <font color="yellow">[PistolPete would like to reply, however, his gag reflexes keep kicking in everytime he thinks about Tom Cruse and placenta at the same time]</font><br /><br />ROFLMAO!!! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#ffff00"><p><font color="#3366ff">I have an answer for everything...you may not like the answer or it may not satisfy your curiosity..but it will still be an answer.</font> <br /><font color="#ff0000">"Imagination is more important then Knowledge" ~Albert Einstien~</font> <br /><font color="#cc99ff">Guns dont kill people. People kill people</font>.</p></font><p><font color="#ff6600">Solar System</font></p> </div>


So is going to be Captain Cruise. Cruise the Spock? Or perhaps he's hangin out to play a Gorn? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Well <i><b>IF</b></i> Matt Damon really is going to be in it I would say that he would be playing Captain Kirk since he does look like a young Shatner. So I would imagine that they would have Cruise play Spock. Tho I really dont see him playing such a serious and unemotional role. But could you really see Cruise playing a non major roll? And the Gorn wasnt met until some time in their "5 year journey". It cant really be them. Tho Cruise would make an excellent gorn <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#ffff00"><p><font color="#3366ff">I have an answer for everything...you may not like the answer or it may not satisfy your curiosity..but it will still be an answer.</font> <br /><font color="#ff0000">"Imagination is more important then Knowledge" ~Albert Einstien~</font> <br /><font color="#cc99ff">Guns dont kill people. People kill people</font>.</p></font><p><font color="#ff6600">Solar System</font></p> </div>


<i>yes i'm a bit of a trekie...deal with it <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" /></i> lol <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#ffff00"><p><font color="#3366ff">I have an answer for everything...you may not like the answer or it may not satisfy your curiosity..but it will still be an answer.</font> <br /><font color="#ff0000">"Imagination is more important then Knowledge" ~Albert Einstien~</font> <br /><font color="#cc99ff">Guns dont kill people. People kill people</font>.</p></font><p><font color="#ff6600">Solar System</font></p> </div>


!!!<br /><br />That's it! I'm sending a Haddock with a nasty note in the mail to Majelle Roddenbury. Yes, I know she's around 100 years old; no, I don't care if the shock kills her. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


For years, I totally confused Tom Cruise with Michael J. Fox. Until Fox became ill, they seemed more or less interchangeable -- same hair, same body type, same basic level of acting ability.<br /><br />So, when I first noticed this thread, the first image in my head was of Fox -- affected by Parkinson's, clad in a Starfleet uniform, issuing orders from the bridge of the Enterprise.<br /><br />It was a passing image. But once my poor, addled brain cleared up a bit, it served as a reminder of how unrealistically perfect things tend to be in the Trek universe. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#0000ff"><strong>Just tell the truth and let the chips fall...</strong></font> </div>


I actually like Matt Damon as an actor. I thought he was cool in the <i>Bourne</i> series of movies, among other things. <i>Star Trek</i> would have luck beyond imagining to get him.<br /><br />Tom Cruise, though? Whatever. There are only a couple of <i>Star Trek</i> movies that I actually liked anyway...and one of those was released in 1982. At least they can hope to get the Scientologists into the theaters for <i>Star Trek: Xemu Strikes Back</i>.


Nah, he'll get in trouble flying a 2 seater space fighter and get his co-pilot killed. Ooops he already did that. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em><font size="2">Bob DeWoody</font></em> </div>


YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />Now I do not have anything against him, he IS my wife's favorite Mission Impossible star,(all three of them), even if, as I have told her that the movie could be described as Tom Crusie and xxx, and T. C. and xxx, ect,ect,& ect. <br />But if he is going to be cast in S.T. as the same kind of wimp he played in War of the Worlds, that would be just another great film work he will be ruining.


I was just thinking, maybe T.C. could give orders while jumping on his command couch.


Hey maybe he'll play Scotty!!! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> TC has been known to play with an Irish accent...maybe he can pull off a scottish burr <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#ffff00"><p><font color="#3366ff">I have an answer for everything...you may not like the answer or it may not satisfy your curiosity..but it will still be an answer.</font> <br /><font color="#ff0000">"Imagination is more important then Knowledge" ~Albert Einstien~</font> <br /><font color="#cc99ff">Guns dont kill people. People kill people</font>.</p></font><p><font color="#ff6600">Solar System</font></p> </div>


"Show me the dilithium crystals! Show me the dilithium crystals!!"<br /><br />Can't you just see it?<br /><br />Really, Cruise isn't the problem here. JJ Abrams is. I'm a moderator on a Lost fansite and I have to say that JJ, for all his genius, is a man with way too much on his plate. Lost is suffering because JJ left active control of the show following it's first, most spectacular, season to go make MI-3, and if JJ and T.C. got on this project together then you can expect a spectacle of DeMillean proportions, a moderate opening weekend box office and instant obscurity until it's DVD release when we all get to say "I remember that movie. What a turkey." <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


And sick bay would be reduced to natural herbs and vitamins.


Cruise or not, you guys know you'll go see it if there's potential to be one familiar lovable face.<br /><br />Personally I'd like to see another shot at a series. Done in the classic TNG/DS9/Voyager format which is proven to work well, without any of the deviating Enterprise crap.


So, do you mean we all will just "cruise" on it to see it just because it is a ST vehicle? I don't know if I would want to put my body on "cruise" control or not for that. Now if maybe he could "cruise" on over to the dark or bad side, and get run over by some reindeer or something that may be different.<br /><br />But there was a thread some days earlier that told of Matt Damon as a young Kirk and his bud Ben Affleck as his sidekick Spock being considered by the new director. Now, I think maybe I could "cruise" around that idea some.


Now with that cast I'd go see the movie <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> Mixing it up from other ST series we could add in Dr Phil as ship's counselor and get Brooke Shields to be Yeoman Rand ...<br /><br /><font color="orange">"Captain here's your {spit} coffee {spit} sir".</font><br /><br />Hmmm, surprised it's not already on YouTube. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>-----------------------------------------------------</p><p><font color="#ff0000">Ask not what your Forum Software can do do on you,</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000">Ask it to, please for the love of all that's Holy, <strong>STOP</strong> !</font></p> </div>


The only way I'd see a ST movie starring TC is if I could be assured he would be randomly and routinely sodomized by a Denebian Slime Devil.


I don't know, but I think spacefire may have something here, (again). That and the add'l castings already suggested might make a passable movie.<br /><br />But if it was offered at Christmastime, I still think some reindeer and TC to stand in for a grandma would make an interesting twist. I just heard that song again lately, you know, Grandma got run over by some reindeer. <br /><br />But at least it would be a PC kinda show, I imagine.
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